The Madness Within... ^-^;

Jan 25, 2008 22:44

HI there! :333333

I'm sinlover! (well duh! anyone who's reading this can see that... CLEARLY! *scolding myself*) Anyway... I'm from portugal and I'm a leecher... or so people say (when I say people I'm refering to one friend in particular...>_>)

Well, I would like to think I'm a pretty decent person and most of the time I can act the part... that is, until I'm left alone in front of a pc... then I can get very crazy! I'm very passionate when it comes to manga and anime but my uggly side comes out when I'm doing ANYTHING related to yaoi. *fuming from the nostrils* XD
Since I've discovered this type of manga I've been a massive supporter *waving my ponpons and wearing a bandana saying: "YAOI 4 LIFE"*.... and so my double life began... and I became totally addicted! I got into it so much I had “my hands” in everything yaoi related... and that was a lot. I had the mangas; animes; websites; I read the reviews (&commented occasionally); the yaoi dealer (person that gave me my daily doses of yaoi... and my dealer isn't "picky" *recalling the happy moments*.) Anyway, I had all those things and yet I felt that something was missing... but what? AHH! Of course, I lacked the personal website to talk about these types of things and I hadn't joined any online communities. So in the end one thing led to another and here I am making a post even though tomorrow I still have to get up early... I'm an insomniac. *sigh*
Well I think I've covered pretty much everything that I NEEDED to say so I'll be on my way now BUT! I'll be back... once I figure out what I'm supposed to write next time~ :D

PS: I would like to THANK my sensei (my dealer) that TRIED to be with me throughout the process of me writing this post (I know you tried to stay up with me even though your back was literally killing you) and also thank you for not giving up on me when I almost gave up creating my journal. TO YOU MY THANKS! *showering you with flowers* XD

PS.S: I recomend to ALL yaoi lovers out there to join YAMANE AYANO community (here on Live Journal) Yamano-sensei is THE BEST! I simply adore her work, being one of my favs View Finder *takes off with the fairies to another world* bye~

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