Dec 24, 2006 16:22
So I finally get to see the end of this two job misery that has been the past three months, and go back to a some what normal life cycle. It was humorous too when I told the guys at Toys R Us that I was leaving, that they then told me that I was being considered for permanent personnel. Yeah, now they decide that. I told them that I was going to come in Sunday and talk to them about it, but more than likely it's going to end with me leaving with the same result that I had when I left last night.
The season coming to a close wasn't the only reason that I had planned on leaving, I can't very well work two jobs day and night and give attention to anywhere else. I have big plans this upcoming week, life altering, and I refuse to let a second optional job get in the way. I've already spent over 2 grand on this decision and like hell I'll just let it go to shit willingly.
Which brings me to topic number two, the fallout week of Christmas leading into New Years. Normally it's just another five to six days till another holiday, the shortest time span between two major calender holidays. This year though, I'm not only just counting down the days to a new year, but a new life. I'll know exactly how this new year is going to be once it comes, and I'm hoping for the best.
Here's to the best.