Jun 12, 2006 23:35
Lao Tzu:
"Trying to understand is like straining through muddy water. Be still and allow the mud to settle."
There are many ways that patience is described and put forth through the ages.
"Genius is eternal patience."
That's one way to look at it, and I am in no way going to try and analyze that since.... I can't speak for the man and won't since I'd more than likely screw it up. Plus, all you'd get is my spin on what I thought he thought, not what he actually thought.
Saint Francis De Sales:
"Have patience with all things, but chiefly have patience with yourself. Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections, but instantly set about remedying them - every day begin the task anew."
Now this one I will add my two cents to, since it seems to be pretty cut and dry for the most part. Every day is a new day, don't be discouraged by your faults but have patience with yourself and instead seek out to fix the problems instead of losing faith in yourself or your ability.
Napoleon Hill:
"Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success."
Another point of view as it looks like it is part of a triad of things that make for greatness, or at least the ability to succeed. I can see that... dedication, hard work, waiting it out till the end when the fruits of your labor will come to bear. Yeah, I've heard many variations of this pont of view.
But... my personal favorites....
Ambrose Bierce:
"A minor form of despair, disguised as a virtue."
I think I agree with this one the most, and I'm living through it now.
Patience isn't a virture any more really, it's a rare quality in people now a days that can be sometimes seen as masochistic in nature depending on the situation. Or... in others just fucking stupid as from all logical aspects, the end result looks close to nill in happening. Friends of mine, or people who have known tid bits of my life, know that I'm the kind of person that would hang onto the tiniest thread of a hope as long as it's there. I'd wait out almost any storm, take things as they come ( though not exactly quietly ), and just over all grit my teeth through the shit and the fire.
The past couple weeks though, I've seen a year and a half's worth of patience start to go through major constraints as something I've been waiting all my life for... is starting to slip from me once again seemingly. It almost did last time, and I was blessed that we found each other again. I was too passive last time, I let the situation control the terrain and there fore the series of events. I let my.... patience ruin one of the things that I wanted and cherished the most.
So now with things looking like they may get rough once again, I'm at a pass where I either try and wait it out and risk losing it again without a word. Or, I can do something and act and at least say that I tried. The down side to option two being my actions driving it to end when there may be no risk of anything happening. I don't like playing Russian Roulet with my life, but now I'm at a impass. I have to make a decision, both could ruin this but save it as well.
The Million Dollar Question is... Which will ultimately save this, and which will ultimately cause it's fall? I think that a comprimise is finally in order, and it may cost me more than I could dream, but will give me right now the only thing I want.
Cross your fingers, pray, chant matras, do what ever it is you do. If this doesn't come about in the end... it'll be my biggest loss since the death of my mother, and I don't know if I can recover from another blow like that. It won't be on the same magnitude, but the effects will pretty much be the same.