Jun 08, 2006 01:24
Faults, we all have them. Take me for example, I'm known to be an ass at times, I really have no evidence of proper typing etiquette, I have a tendency to blow up at times. There are other things, but this isn't about me, this is about what I discovered today.
Today, I found out that a lot of people can't read. Now, I'm not talking about words like protoplasmic, I'm talking about words like "You" and "Pay". I mean, they look at the price tag where it clearly states what they pay and if applicable what the end result is if there is a rebate. For those that are lacking in being able to decipher those neat sqiggly lines, all they see is the lowest number and think that's the price. I'll give you an example.
:: Rings in a printer. :: "Ok, that will be $1044.99."
"The sign over there said it was $70."
"I think that it meant after a rebate... :: This error had been made before many times, and doesn't bother me. And off to the printer's shelf we go to see that it is indeed after the rebate, to which I point to. Take note that the print is quite large, so all I do is point to it and just say... :: "Yeah, after a rebate."
But, I was in for a surprise.
"Explain this thing to me." :: Now, in big bold letters it clearly said, 'You Pay 99.98' and then below it it said after Rebate cost is 69.98. I look at her, and back at the sign, then back at her as she is staring at me like I'm committing a crime. ::
"It says right here... " :: Points to YOU PAY :: "You pay this amount, and that this..." :: Points to Final Cost AFTER REBATE. :: "is what it will be after the rebate." :: Points back to AFTER REBATE again. ::
So, we go back to the register. Now granted I may be being an ass about it now, but I handled that with the most amount of self control and tact I had. All that went right out the window after she left, deciding against buying it and would just go else where. All this after we had spent even more time checking all other stores in a price matching guarantee only to show that we in fact had the lowest price of them all. That is unless she wanted to drive to NY, and the bitch was more than welcome to.
I get home and relay the story to my cousin, and she in turn relays that she got the same shit at college. She's going to Saulter, which is a message therapy school. You need to sign medical wavers to get examined, it's required since it's considered a medical field to a certain extent. And these kids try and refuse because either 1.) They are too embarrassed of what 'might' be wrong with them. or 2.) Can't read the fucking paper.
So yeah, what have you done with your time in school? Fought? Built up your rep? Got to be the star jock? That's great, what's 1 + 1? Or better yet, spell 'cat'. I know that not everyone gets the chance to get a 'proper education', but really how do they get through life knowing what the word, "You" means? Yeah, that's it for this rant.