Jan 12, 2005 12:50
Spiritual cultivation...
In America our religous conquest in nearly complete. We own just about all we can. From homes and cars, liquour stores and bars, mountains on mars and names of stars, we've got a piece of that pie. Our Western culture has conquered all material ends.
Spiritual productivity is measured in terms of how deeply one's wisdom can be developed, how broadly one's compassion can exert itself. Tibetan Buddhists believe that our outer reality is interconnected with inner mental development over a beginningless and endless series of lives. So in philosophical terms they cannot see any limits on how the self and the environment can be made more perfect. The self can become a Buddha, a being of perfect wisdom and compassion; and the environment can become a perfect Buddha land, wherein no one suffers pointlessly and all are there for the happiness of all. (If you've read the bible this might sound familiar...) (If you've read any book on religion this might sound familiar..) (If you have any idea of what religion is, this probabally sounds familiar.) Parallels?
to Christianity? to Judaism? Heaven....? hmm..
As our western culture looks to reach into the farthest macro realms of the outer galaxy and the micro realms of the cell and the atom, the Tibetan culture has the material world second on their agenda. Tibetans consider the inner, subtlemost, experiental realms of image, light, ectasy, trance, dream, death, and beyond. These explorers manipulate dreams and innner visions to visit the unconscious. They use focused disidentification with coarse subjectivity to gain access to the most subtlest level of sentience. They grasp the knowledge of every aspect of living physically and even beyond. Not that any of this is more right or wrong than anything else in the world merely a perspective for you, the consumer.
This is all information.. Just some symbols that you can understand. Here's the questions.
Is it morally/ethically accetpable for a religion not to study death and the afterlife? ..and share their findings with the rest of the world
After its all said and done isn't religion supposed to be the only tried and true thing we can put our trust in? Or is institutionalized religion masturbation of the soul?