Jan 31, 2005 20:33
this was the most longest borignest weekend evvverrr.
friday steph came over. hott hott hott. yeah. but i dont really talkj to them that much because id have to talk to my sister. and thats just not pretty. so i watched the stepford wifes and dodgeball. mhm.
saturday. sleptt. and then swim meet GCIT. mcshit meet. can you say "worst day EVER" haha. i hate butterfly and then breastroke i didnt do to shabby in. yeahh. "swimming like....eats my life"--leah. that sums up swimming. right there ladys and gentlemen. that was bascially my day and then spent early early morning hours on the phone with sean<3.
sunday. i slept and slept and slept. oh wait thats right i drank rasberry soda. and then slept. and my parents came home. and it sucked.
today swimming. wow. we have way to much fun together. between. THE ALL THINK SHE SHOULD COMMIT SUICIDE CLUB. the "jump" theory. thanks to my loverr sc who claims its her leg and then some. hahaha. gotta love her. swim circcle or w.e. the hell you all call it for liffe.
tomrow. miss samantha schaffer is debuting on the hit game show wheel of fortune at 7:30 so i shall be eating food ta her house and watching her brilliant performance. i bet its well wortha grammy. haha. latterr lovvers.