Apr 03, 2005 15:03
Humanity will survive until science stops accelerating at a pace faster than nature. Nature will catch up and the consequences will not be pretty. We live in a 30-second culture where the short-term benefits, miniscule as they may be, are always seen as more important than the long-term consequence, especially in the western world, where humanity's approach to life and sustainability is based on the idea of "use something until it's gone and then find something else". This doesn't take into account that there will not always be "something else". The idea of global economy refers upon these ideas of "eternal growth" and "eternal resources". Rather than try to turn back progress to remedy the problems humanity has created, we turn to science to create cures whose side effects are new illnesses that need new cures. Rather than try to cut back on car usage or eliminate them altogether, companies like BMW are creating cars that filter out the polluted air outside so the person who can afford such luxuries can breathe fresh air with in their vehicle. It won't be long before rich people can just leave the barren earth altogether and live on the moon or in space stations. Humanity's reckless course of so-called progress will be it's own demise, and it's only a matter of time. Tomorrow? Five years? twenty? Who knows? What will we do to resist that???