Rating: PG
Pairing/Characters: Chuck/Olive
Prompt: #008 - space, character: Olive Snook
Summary: Feelings you’d feel, of death and moving in.
Word Count: 100
Author's Note: For the now-defunct
100daisies and originally posted as
Olive Snook could understand the need for personal space. She was certain she possessed some as well.
But when Chuck scrunched up her face, saying “Don’t follow me,” as she left the apartment, she couldn’t help but wonder.
As Olive trailed a few large steps behind Chuck, and she was quite certain she understood the need for guilt in the situation, she came to a halt.
It was a cemetery.
Hunkered, Chuck’s shoulders trembled, they stilled as Olive touched them. She kneeled and searched among aquamarine eyes.
Without a word, she took Chuck within the cocoon of her smaller arms.