Jun 01, 2010 22:03
I'm not a big believer in holding screenwriters at gunpoint and demanding that every little loose thread of a series be explained. Story lines slip, plots become less important, whatever, I get it. And while I understand that the main point of LOST was the connections we make with people in our lives and finding our own sense of self and purpose, I do want one, just one, question answered...
WHY couldn't Desmond have put the cork back into the eternal light source of the island instead of Jack?
Yeah, yeah I already know what you're going to say, Damon and Carlton.
"Because then Jack wouldn't have fulfilled his purpose." "Because then Jack wouldn't have been redeemed." "Because then we wouldn't make you sob hysterically everytime you watch the show's end." "Because then it wouldn't have been epic."
Okay, okay. Sure. But not all great stories have to end so tragically. *pouts*
PS: And I still would have cried regardless... I mean, geez, we are talking about the end of my media-viewing life.
lost s6