-- Awesome that you are enjoying school and, better yet, figuring out what you want to do with it!
-- Community is the funniest show on TV. I still watch and love Glee, but for pure humor, Community takes the cake. And holy shit do I want to bang Allison Brie; she is so goddamn hot! @_@
I have to admit I don't understand why everyone thinks Alison Brie is so hot. She's average, and not even Hollywood Average, just normal Average. Different strokes for different folks, I guess.
-- Awesome that you are enjoying school and, better yet, figuring out what you want to do with it!
-- Community is the funniest show on TV. I still watch and love Glee, but for pure humor, Community takes the cake. And holy shit do I want to bang Allison Brie; she is so goddamn hot! @_@
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Show sure likes picking at Glee, but it feels like there's love behind it so it doesn't turn me off for being sour grapes.
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