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Jul 24, 2005 00:49

So I compiled a list of in my opinion the most important songs of my life so far as far as expereinces and getting me into different music, and the are in chronological order.

1. Barenaked Ladies- If I Had $1,000,000
I remember the first album of theirs I got was Stunt, the one with "One Week" on it, then I got Rock Spectacle which was a live show of all their more popular song, but I didn't know that at the time. I was like in 6th or 7th grade. I fell in love with this song because it was so catchy and it made me smile because of how fun it was.
2. NOFX- August 8th
So 2nd semester of 8th grade I met Nick and reaquainted myself with Sean, (we were best firneds in 6th grade but didn't really talk in 7th) and became friends with him, and started listening to the music he liked. I remember going to the Barnes and Noble and buying the Nofx album that had the least offensive cover so mom wouldn't get upset, well the price tag was covering it, but the album cover that i bought which was NOFX's Heavy Petting Zoo had a picture of a guy on the front fondling a sheep. This song was the second to last song on the album, and because such a staple that August 8th became a sort of holiday for us, and I still kinda think of August 8th that way.
3. Jawbreaker- Boxcar
Sean, Nick, Trey, and Jeff had a band called Dropped 40, and I remember the very first time i heard them play, they covered this song, and I fell in love with it. They covered it because The Ataris covered it, but I searched on napster and only came up with the version by a band called Jawbreaker so I got it. The voice was so rought and raw, yet was poppy and catchy at the same time. I later rediscovered Jawbreaker and I love a lot of their songs to this day.
4. The Ataris- Losing Streak
In 8th grade Sean was obsessed with the Ataris. So for Valentines day I asked my girlfriend at the time to get me Blue Skies Broken Hearts, Next 12 Exits. The very first song on that album is "Losing Streak," and I think I liked it immediately because of the second verse the way 'deep inside' is sang in the background. Plus I really liked the lyrics. That song and entire album got me into the Ataris a whole bunch, and for a very long time they were my favorite band until they got ousted. We'll talk about that later.
5. Less than Jake- History of a Boring Town
Summer after 8th grade I went on a road trip with my dad up to Michigan and surrounding areas. I had my brother make me a CD of songs I found on Napster based on what Nick and them were listening to. One of the Songs was History of a Boring Town, and the chorus really made me realize how much fun these new friends of mine were. I still love that song. It's so good, and so good live.
6. Mineral- If I Could
That same summer I liked a girl and asked Sean how I could get her attention. He suggested a mix CD and sent me this song, along with some Reggie and Antifreeze. I listened to this song and loved it. I never actually gave her the CD, but damn it's good anyway. This song got me into a lot Mineral along with other things like Sunny Day Real Estate and Texas is the Reason
7. Juliana Theory- August in Bethany
Sean sent me this song also, and though I thought it was kind of cheesy, when the guitars become distorted and Brett sings "don't go" sounded so cool to me. They later became one of my favorite bands and still have some really good songs that I enjoy listening to.
8. Saves The Day- Sell My Old Clothes I'm Off To Heaven
Sean, Nick and I used to walk home from 711 everyday after getting off at the highschool to go there, and after Nick went home, Sean and I would talk, mostly about girls, and I was probably bitching or something, and Sean recomended this song to me, and it is such a good angry yet pathetic break up song that I still enjoy. You'll notice how Sean has gotten me into a lot of the music I still like. I'm so greatful for that. I'm gonna miss the hell out of that kid.
9. Alkaline Trio- Radio
On the same Saves the Day B Sides site where you could download "Sell My Old Clothes I'm Off to Heaven" they had a live recording of "Radio" where Chris Coneley (sp?) sings the 2nd chorus. I loved this song so I downloaded the studio version, and loved that too. So The Chuffaloes which was a band I was in for like a year covered it. I can't really listen to it anymore because i've heard it so many times, but I still know every word and am glad I got to know it, because it got me into The Alkaline Trio, who are one of my favorite bands to this day.
10. New Amsterdams- I Won't Run Away
This one I think is Sean too, but it might be a Sean and Trey thing. Anyway Sean loved the Get up Kids so naturally he'd listen to The New Amsterdams. He showed me this song, and I liked it a lot, but had no idea this was the same dude from the Get up Kids until a good two years later. I think this was the first acoustic song of this fashion I had heard. So I guess this song introduced me to that whole genre.
11. Ozma- Baseball
My mom told me I could go to Warped 2002, so I was looking up bands that I had never heard of to download their stuff so I could go see them. One was Thursday, one was From Autumn to Ashes, and one was Ozma. I downloaded "Baseball", and liked it quite a bit, but that summer i was going to Australia for 3 weeks, so my grandma got me $50 so i went to best buy and got head phones and the ozma CD. I listened to that baby non stop, so i only grew fonder of that CD and song, and I got back 3 days before warped, which meant I got to see them.
12. Deftones- Be Quiet and Drive
My brother liked Deftones and I heard this song in his car and asked who it was. He told me, so I downloaded it and liked it a lot. I later got into more Deftones. In fact this song was the very first song I played when I drove the car by myself. Ain't I clever?
13. Mars Volta- Inertiatic ESP
Fast forward to summer after sophomore year. I was a new member on the AMB, and I remember people always saying how the poicked up this album and how good it was, but I never knew the name of the album, i just knew the picture. So One day at Best Buy I saw the picture, and the CD was $9.99, so I got it. You have the little intro type song, and then this song is the second track, and I think that is still the best start to a CD I have heard.
14. Smashing Pumpkins- In The Arms Of Sleep
I had gotten the Mellon Collie CD a good 3 years before I actually started listening top anything but "Tonight Tonight", but this song and "Thirty Three" were really terrific and beautiful songs. It's weird how oddly soothing Billy Corgan's voice can be when he wants it to be. I still think Mellon Collie is one of the best CDs of the 90's.
15. Smoking Popes- Pretty Pathetic
Kris Roe did a cover of this song for an EP released in Australia, and I obtained it thanks the the AMB. I heard it and kind of liked it, so I got who did the original and downloaded it. It is the best break up song I have ever heard. It is so sad and desperate. The lyurics aren't metaphorical, but very conversational, and it just seems like the narrator is hysterical, and there's some sort of weird warmth to that. God I love this song.
16. Alkaline Trio- While You're Waiting
I think it was in Tony's signature on the AMB that he had the lyrics "I'm not joking when I tell you I'd miss you all the time, I already miss you all the time." I was downloading from someone all the alkaline trio I could, because i had a lot but apparantly not all (i do now :)). So i was listening to this song while mindlessly searching for nothing inparticular when i over heard the line above, I did a double take, and pushed repeat. I am a bigger sucker for clapping, plus when matt says "What would you do" it got me hooked. Not to mention the lyrics are fantastic. It was my favorite song for a while, but has since been demoted.
17. Sigur Ros- Staralfur
Another AMB member, Boston Kevin sent me some Sigur Ros stuff, so I threw it on a cd so I could have listen to it while I was mowing the vet's lawn that I was hired to do once a week at the time. When this song came on, I played it like 4 times straight. I had never heard something such a beautiful song, which I guess since the lyrics were in Icelandic, that adds something to it, but nevertheless, it's one of my favorite songs.
18. Piebald- American Hearts
This again was on a CD i put to take to the vet's place (possibly the same one). The entire song is so incredibly catchy, fun and moveable. It took me a little time, I liked it immediately, but the more I listened to it, the more I loved it. It is one of the very few songs that I can listen to a million times and never get sick of. I then listened to more Piebald and they have so many terrific songs, and are such cool guys that they became my favorite band.

That took a while.
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