This coming Sunday is Mckenna's OFFICIAL b-day
and she'll be 2..OMG!..How much she has grown.
Mckenna last year around this time
Mckenna now!
she's been practicing for the past 7 months for
her terrible two's, and she's perfected her
tantrums and her body slams on the floor..her
father couldnt be more proud of her.
The following weekend we'll be celebrating
her b-day with a pool party. I'm soo excited.
I really out-did myself..I feel like Martha
Steward or Megan for that matter! I got really
creative and that is so not me.
I cant wait to see how her b-day cake comes out THIS YEAR!
Remember her last b-day cake...
I worked with the lady becos this years theme was a carnival (David
really wanted this).
Next year for Olivia's b-day..we are going to go with a
horror theme cos she was born on Devils nite..David is SO
EXCITED that he gets to organize Olivia's b-day around
Halloween cos we all know thats his FAV holiday!