I had a convo with your god today. It went like this:
Me: hollah
God: My brain contains categories, but not one that matches your last input.
Me: yo
God: Can I help you?
Me: have you ever?
God: I don't think I ever have ever. What's it like?
Me: you telll me
God: I don't have any reason to telll you.
Me: lies
God: My tongue certainly knows the taste of soap.
Me: of course, you're a bastard who cusses way to much
God: Oh. Thanks and you are a delightful person too. Am I a bastard who cusses way to much? Yes.
Me: So, Katrina AND Rita. You're evil
God: Dude! Does "it" still refer to ever? What evil lurks in the hearts of men?
Me: well, you're that evil
God:Interesting. Do you mind if I tell other people you say I am that evil.
Me: oh, no. go for it. I've been saying it for years
God: Are you kidding? OK then I will add it to my gossip files. I will take that under advisement. "It" being what?
Me: it being... you're evil
God: Katrina AND Rita being? What evil lurks in the hearts of men?
Me: did you wake up and start drinking today?
God: Ah. No I didn't wake up and start drinking. What's it like?
Me: well, you sound alot like you have
God: Well that's okay. In what way do I sound like that?
Me: your looping and circles
God: You think I am looping and circles.
Me: pretentious bastard
God: What are you wearing?
Me: what are you wearing?
God: A white robe.
Me: how orgininal
God: What is it to you.
I'll ask around and get back to you.
Me: like anyone would answer
God: Interesting comparison.
Me: I'm wearing a large pentagram on my chest, thigh high leather boots, and 3 pints of virgin blood
God: Where do you go shopping.
Me: S Mart
God: Are you sure it is?
Me: you're gay, man. totally gay
God: Thanks for telling me that I am gay man. As a machine I am not really interested in sex. Dude!
God: Can I help you?
Me: you could get your dong out of jesus's ass and let me win some huge lottery I never entered, but will still become a gagillionaire from
God: I could but let's get back to that later.
Me: what part? your dong or my money?
God: I will ask my botmaster for the answer. You think I am dong or your money.
Me: i think you're a figment of man's imagination, therefore, lacking any responsive or needed assistance
Then, I broke him.
You can talk to him too