(image via Tumblr)
Recently, I am gushing over the discovery of Yokozawa Takafumi no Baai which is the story between Yokozawa and Kirishima Zen, who's introduced as the editor-in-chief of Japun. I'm pretty much pleased to find out that they made a love interest for him because it sucks having to forever pine for Takano knowing he stands no chance and then treat Ritsu in a shitty manner because of it. Regarding his attitude towards Ritsu, I can sort of understand Yokozawa's POV because after all, it was Ritsu who left Takano hanging and then conveniently having amnesia about the whole incident. I also can't get over the fact that Ritsu and Misaki are rather a bit similar for my taste.
It's in novel form right now and the translations can be found at
September Scanlations along with one chapter of a side-comic. I can't wait until they turn this into anime (preferably if it's included in the 2nd season of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi).
Also finished watching Otome Youkai Zakuro in around a day. It was surprisingly enjoyable despite being cliché-ridden and predictable halfway through. I think the animation was nicely down especially on the action sequences (though it did come of as repetitive) and I like the pacing overall.
Anyway, gotta play catch up once more with NaNoWriMo. I am a few days behind and I'm so disgusted by my writing atm. :\ At this point of the month, I always have the urge to trash my current work and start anew but I'm avoiding from doing just that. I guess I'll have to trudge on... and cram a few thousand words in the ending days as I inevitably end up doing somehow.
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