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Aurorean. Please leave any
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I watched
Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End this morning and I found it torturously long and confusing. Don’t get me wrong. I am an unabashed POTC fangirl and I still can’t get over the piratey hotness that is Jack Sparrow (even if he has gotten more out-of-whack than usual). Unfortuately, I can’t ignore the fact that this movie is crammed with more plot twists and turns than Davy Jone’s squirming tentacles. The movie’s beginning is rather dark and a bit disturbing (for a G rating, that is) and after the first scene, it soon became an effort to distinguish between who’s betraying/doublecrossing/triplecrossing/quadruplecrossing who. In the end, the heroes just have to win, right?
If you haven’t watched the first two films of the franchise, you might not want to bother with this one. What made it worth watching is the performance of Geofrrey Rush as Capt. Barbossa who, in my opinion, is the only “true” pirate within the film and the brief but memorable appearance of Keith Richards. Also, if you made it through the film, you might as well stay until the ending credits.