Board games.

Mar 29, 2003 05:04

I'm so bored. At my radio show now, by myself. The Baby has to walk home alone with only the company of birdie poo falling from the bridge. I do squeak with the birds when I think no one is listening/watching and I'm frollicking under the AmbASSador Bridge.

Anyway, I have the urge to play some BOARD GAMES!! I have to buy myself a Scrabble and Chess board. This is the year that I'm going to learn to play chess. I have computerized Scrabble, but I want to play the real thing, and, like chess, I want to play at a table while holding a salon inviting all the kitsch creators who think they're real artists to talk about what the next big movement will be and how we will rule it! Chess boards, along with pianos, shelves of books, and oodles of useless rhetoric are those things that will make my salon meetings exciting....where people will exchange ideas and think they're really networking!!

I do wish to be in Victorian time or earlier, and invite my rich-ass friends over and play the piano, and show off our "accomplishments." Of course, Andrew will rub it in my face that I as an Asian wouldn't be living with high European society. I can still pretend!! And I pretend many-a-things!

But all I have is a monopoly board and computerized monopoly. Damn! James and I will play "to the bitter end," sometime soon, though. timmccready is right--people our age should still be recreational (and drinking but not me) when they get together.

I feel really sad now. I should go home and sleep
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