Jul 09, 2009 17:59
-------------HAVE YOU EVER---------
* Ever been so drunk you blacked out: nope! NEver been drunk at all ^^
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Ehm... no...
* Been in a car accident: Yes, twice. And both times I was sat on the same place! NEver going to sit there again!
* Been hurt emotionally: Yeah...
* Had an imaginary friend: Yeps
* Cried during a movie: Yes :P
* Had a crush on a teacher: I think I might have...
* Ever thought an animated character was hot?: Probably...
* Had a New Kids On the Block tape: No, that's too old, it wasn't popular anymore when I was a child, I thought...
* Been on stage: yes, school musicals.
* Cut your hair: yes. ^^
* Shampoo: Right now: Head and shoulders 2 in 1
* Color: pink!
* Day/Night: night
* Summer/Winter: summer
* Lace or satin: lace
* Cartoon Characters: V!
* Food: Pizza!
* Fave Movie: V for vendetta<3
* Fave Ice Cream: Ben and Jerry’s (chocolate something)
* Fave Subject: Philosophy
* Fave Drink: Cherry coke
------------------RIGHT NOW------------
* Wearing: A simple black top and a pink skirt from Watchers
* Eating: nothing
* Drinking: Water
* Thinking about: Dancing
* Listening to: Turisas - Kutaman Kaiku
* Talking to: Niwi
* Watching: My messy room
---------IN THE LAST 24 HRS--------
* Cried: Yeah (argument with bf)
* Worn a skirt: Doing so right now
* Met someone new: no...
* Cleaned your room: Yes!
* Done laundry: yes!
* Drove a car: Yeah! Driving lessons ftw
* Yourself: I believe I can do anything I want.... Eventually
* Friends: Friends for life <3
* Santa Claus: No...
* Destiny/Fate: I don't think so
* Angels: Yeah
* Ghosts: Yeah, if you mean diseased people...
* UFO's: Not like in the media
* Bf/gf: Yep
* Ever been in love: I am atm
* Cheated on anyone: No! I'd never
* Ever done a "drunken stupid mistake": Never been drunk, so no..
* Ever had a lesbian/gay experience: Yeah..
-----TELL THE TRUTH!!-----------
Would you ever:
* Pay for sex: No
* Strip for money: No...
* Play strip poker: Sure
* Work in McDonalds: maybe
* Lie: Depending on the reason...
* Bitch about someone: Sure
* What's the best feeling in the world: Calmness
about me,