Untamable As...

Jan 10, 2007 01:55

So here I am, caught up in this draft
Forgetting everything about how to look back
So busy looking ahead at the scene from this deck
But remembering someday, I’ve yet to crack,
The strategies, techniques, all I’m oblivious to
Memories have made their plans for attack
The tragedy checks in and rents its own room
And won’t leave until it sees the aftermath and laughs,
But for now I’m sailing on a ship made of glass
So clear I can see my feet reprinting their tracks
So sincere that the fish don’t know how to react,
Too thick to break through to an ocean this vast,
But I swim for pleasure at my leisure
In Miss Ocean, my lover, wet as her kiss
Hoping to breathe one day underneath her
I can see my imprints I’ve left in her abyss,
Silhouettes of my past swim in my path
Cross my mind then rush to pass
The pressure keeps me from the depths
The submerged valley of regrets,
In the darkest waters, the oceans breast
The blackened heart of this body at rest
Where those lost souls that I still sometimes miss
Are found, amidst the sunken ships, in chests,
It beats no longer for any of them,
It has no hope for any more wonder
The residing species, they have no fins
To swim beyond the spell they’re under,
They have no eyes, they see no light
To draw them forth, no warmth to come for
They have no nerves, they cannot feel
When they touch, they know no comfort,
Behind this deadened heart, just what may exist
Is a mystery to myself, something I must have missed
For all I know, it could be bliss
A black hole twist in the shape of their lips,
Only way to be sure would be to venture through
Something I’m not sure I’d be able to do
And so few reasons for which I’d be willing
But one false move, and a single beat could kill me…
So for now, I set aside the dark water seas
The choppy waves just can’t convince me
I see right through, I know what’s at the core
But I think it’s time for something more,
I’ve sailed through this blood so many times
I’ve been struck in the storms, even eaten alive
I’m sick of the vultures and the nostalgic skies
This type of fever is from what most inside die,
I think it’s time I see the blue on the other side
And that’s exactly what I decide
Still so much to gain, it’s not too late
So fuck my pain, and fuck my mistakes…
Now, the blue remains each time it rains
Delicious tastes and lustrous waves
My sails catch to a perfect breeze
And it’s all because of a single mermaid,
Will she slit a line, down the side,
And in time, evolve into my kind?
Would her tail turn skirt upon her feet,
Would she ever walk for me?
Were I to rid myself of these legs
Wouldn’t I be reduced to pegs?
My footprints, would they disintegrate?
And trying to swim, wouldn’t I just sink?
I mean, I’m no pirate, despite my pride
I journey these seas, just hoping to find
An island to dock, reside, survive
And eventually die, hoping for her at my side,
No gold in mind, but rum still floods like my desire
Just from time to time, to peer into those eyes
To caress the scales where otherwise would be thighs
Is a treasure I do but only fantasize,
She keeps me dreaming, keeps me warm
Keeps me safe during her storm
Keeps me sailing on through my life
And though I keep searching, it’s her that I find,
Graceful and sweet, a treat for my eyes
Swimming so deep with her at my side
I know, I’m swimming too deep with her in my mind
But she keeps me in love, she keeps me alive.
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