The Tale of Two PVs

Feb 22, 2012 07:03

These two groups released their respective cds. Since I need some rest from my hectic life, I watched their pvs. 

I have Super Delicate's pv since yesterday but because I was busy and have seen this on streaming so I did not watch my copy until today. It's not as explosive as I could have wanted it but I love the choreography.

This is my favorite. I would freeze this part when I watch their live. 

If one can have LSS on dance moves, this is my LSS.

I need a gif of this part. I have to go to Tumblr but I can't.

The obligatory poses during the songs. 

I was confused as to the concept of this pv perhaps it's a fashion show of sorts because the boys are walking on a catwalk and bringing out their own versions of Magnum and Ferrari. The taller boys were able to pull it off imo.

Yabu looks damn fine.

Miss J will be damn proud of our Yuto. Werk it!

Cutie pie. *squish*

Takaki looks good, too.

Sadly I cannot get a better of scap of Keito's walk. :(

Then there is the scenes next to mirrors. I wanted to understand the need for this but I stopped because my head hurts.

Dai-chan, I want to take you home and feed you sunflower seeds.

My good pals, raven_weasley and 
neitaro complained that there was a lack of Inoo exposure during the pv so I compiled his scenes for them.

Hope in the next pv, he'll have more scenes so we can see his cute smile like the rest of the members.

I think this pv does not have a lot to see unlike their previous ones but I think that makes it better since they want to show off their choreography for the song. They are not the best dancers in JE (no hate here) but since they are younger they have tons of time to hone their skills and be able to pull off more challenging choreography in the future.

Big Bang's pv for their song Blue screams BUDGET in all caps. Heck, the pv was filmed in NYC with the boys in their most fashown moment.

The first thing I noticed in the pv is, whoa, RiRi's piercings. My good God, I'm JEALOUS. I want the hammer earring.

I love Dae's hair. It reminds me of Children of the Corn but he makes it WERK.

Damn, that profile. HOT.

TaeYang has yet to change his hairstyle. The man loves his mohawk.

This one looks like a shot for an ad.

GD can make walking sezzy. He may not be tall but damn, he walk TALL.

I wonder why he won't act when he would do this in their PVs ALL THE TIME.

I swear, I shed a tear when Tabi came in the picture. NO FUCKING WORDS.

MAN, UNF. He's like doing a damn fashion shoot.

He is just walking to the car, why am I crying?

This is not a Big Bang pv without a car. Hell, Big Bang cannot have a pv without an automobile that costs half your mortgage payments.

Between you and me, the song is good but the pv is kind of underwhelming. Sure, the boys looked good but I miss the epicness (or was it WTF-ness?) of Tell Me Goodbye or Haru Haru. I miss the dancing or even the fun (remember, Dirty Cash?) that we fans can see in pvs. Sure, this is a brand-new style for this album but somehow I want more movements from them. If I want them posing, I can always look at their photos.

That being said, off to click the button.

Source: Thanks lockeduptears and kamichan_ya3 for the vids.

hey!say!jump, big bang

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