I can't believe it's been over 6 months

May 04, 2009 09:34


What's new?
David and I just celebrated out 4 year anni together.
I tuned 21 a few months back.
My chronic pain got worse though.
For lack of a better word, tried to "OD" on sleeping pills the night of my birthday - for te record, I wasn't trying to OD, I was trying to sleep for like 2 days and hope I'd finally wake without pain.
Obviously David called 911. 30 sleeping aids isn't exactly healthy.
I wouldn't reccommend it, but I was taken seriously after 4 years of pain and put on... well, low doses of heroin. Funny how the girl who never even smoked week was on that.
Since March, I've been able to change to coming less..drug-like?
But I was on 3 of those, compared to one Oxcycosit (sp?).
Anyways, since the pain has been gone, I have been a different person. I am extremely healthy with food and working out, and you'd think my happiness is boarderline annoying.
The point: my mind set has allowed me to only take one pain medication for the last week, in the morning and I manage fine throughout the day.
I have to see two Chronic Pain Specialists though - I'm pretty sure my inwards stress, worry and over anexiety (Oh yea, I was on an anti anexity for a month when I got out of the hospital) manifested into physical pain - headaches so bad I can't think, and nausia in my case.
But since March 11th of this year, I have been pain free and my world could never be better.
For the first time in my life I made new friends - I guess growing up knowing everyone in a small town and having so many, I never bothered to make new ones.
I read a lot more about how we think lately and filter out the thoughts that don't benefit me.
I got a waitressing job very close to home.
Primerica, out financial companyis doing amazing - we now have a team of five people we've trained and run.
I haven't spoken to my family in 2 months - I used to speak to them every 3 days. Long story short, a year ago my dad and step mom Kimmy bought David and I a car for 5K and we'd pay them back the monthly payment ($150 a month) but David and I wanted to have it payed back sooner. We were paying about $400/monthly but as my health got worse, it went down to $300, then $200 and finally the minimum of $150 - when I got so bad, I wasn't able to work. I slept 18 hours sometimes and just pretty much cried when it was at it's worst. Bacause I made half the income, that was $2,000 we were short. Not to mention, David had to take time off becuse I had so many doctors appointments I had to go to, was sick all the time blah blah. Anyways, the month of my birthday I hadn't worked in 2 months and I was at my worst. David told my parents how bad I had gotten - falling asleep without knowing it, crying uncontroably, screaming in pain etc and they said, "She's been in serious pain since 14, David." "Not like this Kimmy. Never like this." Long story short, I told them I wouldn't be able to make the $150 payment rightaway. Anyways, she blew up at me and pretty much insinuated this was a personal attack on them, that she knew Primerica would never work etc. But she never once mentioned how great Primerica was when we were trippling our car payment, noooo. Anyways, when David told me what was said, I never called them. Just not ready to talk. Asses.
All that aside, I have had the best couple months of my life. I feel like I am living.
We're moving out of the apartment we;ve been in for 4 years.
As part of my new me, I want fresh starts etc.
Plus, we get this place for free - friend has a big place, so David and I can save and pay back the bills that racked up as I was sick.
Omg. I one day, out of no where, stopped biting my nails. A 21 year long habit, just broken.
David thinks it is because I feel I have control over my health and life now. Makes sence to me.

Oh yes. Hi everyone. Hope all is well. =)

That is life over the lat 6 months. Amazing if I was to pick a word.
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