Jul 27, 2005 14:03
So lately Ive been feeling extremely restless. I dont really know why but i need to get away. I'm thinkin of taking a mini vacation. Im sooo bored with routine. And its HOT! I hate hot.
Baby news: Almost walking. She can stand on her own now without holding anything at all.She has 6 teeth and likes to bite me a lot. She doesnt bite anyone else tho,just me. Meanie baby. But yeah thats about it. Oh yeah and she says Mama and Dada now too. Fancy stuff. I'm guessing shell be walking by the end of her 9th month.
I need to get out. I want to see people. Other than my neighbors who at the moment i dislike greatly. Other than one cuz he's awesome but i think i bother him cuz im at his house all day long.
I got this thing in the mail just now that i won 10,000 dollars. Ha! Thats funny.
I'm diseased. I have red spots on my legs and i went to the doctor and they dont know whats wrong with me! ALSO i think i have apendisitis(however its spelled) and i have to go to the hospital for that but im lazy.oh well.
Anywho,I'm off to be bored and maybe get some in-n-out.mmmm cheese fries.
P.S. You know who i miss? Dennis. I just had a dream about you. We played checkers.
oh and Ryan... cuz i saw his frisbee post