Oct 20, 2005 12:49
so its been an extremely long time since ive update yes... i know. i still dotn have my laptop back. i miss it oh so much. havent gotten to be on aim for like a whole month and its killing me and my ability to type quickly haha... anyway. well i guess nothing is really new. just working and going to school an overly obsessive amount and trying to keep things all in perspective. kind of excited about my next english pjt cuz we get to make a video parody of waiting for godot and it is going to be so freakin effin awesome. oh yeah! anyway. well im not really sure what everyone on here is up to.
i called hugh the other night and we talked for a bit and it was so nice to get to see him and such cuz i miss him like a devil u know. and everyone else. eric. eman. mara. ... franki. havent really talked to any of them that much in the past like couple of months. people to do and things to do i guess right?> idk. anyway.
well my birthday is coming up soon and i cant wait for it cuz i cant wait to be 18 finally and to be able to go clubbing or do what i want. whatever that may be . idk. im sure it will hit and pass and ill feel old. lol.
ur all invited to celebrate with me.
its in like 3 weeks or so.
dont forget to wish me it. and to come alofn for the ride.
i need plans for it anyway.s
ciao lovelies