Jan 08, 2007 21:14
So anyway.. its been close to a year I'd guess since I posted.. so I broke down and got my password sent to me.. I guess I got a whole lot of catching up to do.. although pretty much everyone knows.. so I'll start with Islen.. dirty whore... dumped me.. probably cheated on me.. with numerous guys in the states.. but ya know what I grew a lot from the relationship.. taught me a lot about life and the way relationships really do go.. I really don't miss her.. and I never really felt truely strongly for her.. I don't think atleast.. looking basck at it.. much more a physiczl thing.. and a wanting to get rid of a part of me.. the part of me who longed to not be alone anymore.. alright so to put things simply.. I was trying to cover over my insicuritys with someone who made me feel seure about the way I act and look..
Anyway on the same page with love crap.. I feel I'm really growing closer to someone.. no idea how things will go.. I just hope I can be there to help her through the hard things.. and see what develops from it.. I dun wanna rush in.. atleast this time I know its not just because she makes me feel good about myself.. because at times I swear she makes me feel worse :p that and really I dun feel so much lonly right now.. just wondering where things are going to go... theres a girl interested in me on plenty of fish.. but really.. I'm not so much interested.. haven't really talked to her.. but shes pretty attractive.. just not really wanting to.. well anyone who knows me knows what I'm thinking.
And onto other things.. I'm taking care of a lil guy on mondays now! YAY! trying to be a positive role-modal.. trying being the big thing.. aparently teaching him to growl insted of hit.. nto the best of plans :p.. so anyone in my situation.. remeber that.. never teach a lilg uy that goes to a private school to growl.. seemed like the right thing to do at the time.. better then hitting right? but I can see why it was a bad idea now.. so I tried fixing that one.. its like a learning expirince.. I would guess for the both of us.. I'm gunna try to teach him the right way to "be a man" for lack of better words.. ya know.. a good guy.. and hes gunna get me ready for the workign world.
Ok.. onwards to friends.. me, Matt, Audry, and Cris have become close friends.. me and Cris crazy close.. me and matt UBER close.. and me and Audry pretty damn close.. great group of friends.. I have offichaly left my past behind me.. don't really hang out with the old crew.. well except for Aaron.. and Ian but hes not so much the old crew.. I am hoping to start coming out of my shell a little in public.. it seems to be working a little atleast.. I'm getting more comfy in socail situations atleast.. wonder what tomorrows class will bring.. questions questions questions.
And now onto family life.. I still have a family.. thats about all I have to say.. well and deany and me are still pretty much best friends.. my sisters are still cool people.. neices still as wild as ever.. mother still as bitchy as ever.. (man I am soo stuck here too..)
And now for the cool stuff.. MY NEW ROOM IS BIG! I the room got re-finished int he basment.. and really.. its amazing.. the basment got a compleat facelift.. and I never thought I'de say this..b ut it looks good.
And finally the part I enjoy most.. random crap!
-Games may be fun to play, but when the ehart and head are involved, it really hurts the brain man
-Never give up.. if you want something enough.. and you show people why you want it.. soemday it may just come true.. or it'll all blow up in your face and you'll end up a lonly old person with a bunch of cats.. either wya dun settle for something less then you want in life
-The world may be a dark scary place... so buy a fucking flashlight dumbass
-Never feed a hound dog after midnight.. its a lot like gremmlins.. scary..
-Theres always hope.. unless you give up.. then you deserve what ever happens anyway you alwyas gotta have atleast a bit of hope.. NEVER GIVE UP.. see.. I can't just say it enough..
-I'm stuck somewhere between heaven and hell
-Confusion may suck.. but its one hell of a headtrip.. it CAN be fun
-Everyones got a winning hand as long as you play the cards right..
-Stress makes you laugh at awkward moments.. hehehe...
-School hard.. school bad...
-If a flunk out I am SO going to be an italian mafia knee breaker
-Quirky people are FAR cooler then normal people.. its a fact.. because.. I said it!
-a message toa friend of mine.. YOU ARE TOO ATTRACTIVE! and now Cris.. everyone has read it.. so it is true (mwahahaha) (oh your so gunna kill me for that)
Well I think its about time to wrap up the post.. tehres probubly going to be a bunch of angry people knocking on my door.. so until next I write.. live long.. have many babys.. and may the force be with you.. oh and of course.. DON'T GET HIT BY A BUS
(the views and opinions expressed in this artical are strictly mine.. you don't like it.. I have a sledge hammer with "complaint department" written on it.. can you guess what happens?)