*Ugh* Why are posts and random comments getting deleted? Am I going crazy? I know it isn't myself or Helene, or anyone in this community for that matter. No worries, I think I'm going to write in and see what's going on around here. I did delete those comments responding to the application post, but that's because I put them all in a fresh post.
I did come to check and see if everyone was doing well with packages, keeping in touch, and all of that important stuff. I think everyone is at least talking and getting ready to mail their goods to each other...or already have. Leanne, you and your partner are doing fine right?
Oh! I found something VERY awesome while I was surfing Myspace the other day-
www.fleshfarm.com it's a HUGE page filled with anything and everything having to do with horror films. Everyone should go check it out when they get the chance.
I think I'll update the personal journal and go to bed, I'm beat.