Oct 10, 2006 04:24
Here in the US, it has become quite popular to bash or protest. Mainly, protesting against one's own country.
Example? Our country allows imigration, however, you must go through a process. There are people who hold rallies against this process, sometimes claiming it is racist. Funny. How is it racist when EVERYONE must go through it, if they want to move to the US?
Also, if people try to uphold this law, they are rallied against, or sometimes assaulted (see: Columbia Minuteman attack).
Even our own president is not safe from such vicious protesting. I understand people don't agree with his choices, and they have ever right not to. However, if you really want to make a make a difference, you have to do it on the ballot. The funny part is, even if you didn't vote (chose not to rather then couldn't), you can still talk all the shit you want. You did nothing, but you want to speak ill of the results.
I loved how the Mexicans had their march carrying Mexican flags. Remember? When they were protesting the laws that make coming here illegally... illegal. In our own streets they waved the flag of another country. They don't like this one... but they want to live here so bad. How about the American citizens who joined them?
I am tired of the US. No, not the country... the people.
I'd say more, but I am tired.