muses_w_remotes - "You know, your mood swings are kinda giving me whiplash."
VERSE: open
NOTES: I'm back, baby! Now to spam everyone's flist with my returned vigour! AAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHA!
The young man stays to the side of the room. He knows better than to interfere, not now, not while the man he has fallen in with is riding an emotional high. It isn't as if they're something rare, something to cherish and make a spectacle of. No, it's more the fact that such a mood is fragile.
The Master grins, but he knows it's nothing from emotions that would be considered remotely similar to joy. It's a grin rooted in madness, in glee derived from pain and suffering. If only he had come to notice the man was insane before taking up the offer. He didn't linger on the thought long. Though he was travelling with a man who made time itself bend and twist as he liked, there was little to be done to alter the fact that he had joined him.
"Stephan. Come here a moment."
Stephan obeys, because there is little else for him to do. If he disobeys, he knows he will be punished. He's seen what the Master will and can do when others don't listen to him.
"Yes, Master?" Stephan asks.
The Master speaks calmly. "Have you ever seen a star go supernova?"
"No, Master."
"Would you care to?"
He considers, for a moment. If he says no, the Master might allow his mood to swing towards the dour, towards the difficult, the deranged and the like. If he said yes, he would be standing idly by as a star would be turned into nothing more than a collection of coloured gases and a dead husk.
There really is no other alternative.