Apr 02, 2005 01:51
proudredneck1862: do u like niggers?
Scotland: what the fuck is your problem you piece of shit?
proudredneck1862: im recruitin for the white knights baton rouge chapter
Scotland: go fuck your sister
proudredneck1862: son do u know who ur dealin with
Scotland: where did you get my name you retarded butt fucker?
proudredneck1862: myspace
Scotland: awsome
Scotland: now forget you saw it
proudredneck1862: ok u race trading nigger
Scotland: go fuck your dog you imbred idiot
proudredneck1862: by the way ur a gothic fag go kill urself
Scotland: ooooh
Scotland: ok!
Scotland: sense YOU say so
Scotland: i was just waiting for your approval!
Scotland: dicklicker
proudredneck1862: ur a real big man gurantee u wouldnt say this shit to my face
Scotland: i gaurentee i would shitpacker
Scotland: with a crowbar
proudredneck1862: yeah ok but the problem is when ur swingin that crow bar im pullin the trigger
Scotland: awsome!
Scotland: do me a favor
Scotland: go ahead and put yourself behind bars
proudredneck1862: hell bin there before
proudredneck1862: oh yeah by the way wut kinda goth has pink font
proudredneck1862: fuking fag
Scotland: yes i am a fag...the one fucking your mom, your sister and your girl
Scotland: in the ASS
proudredneck1862: ur fukin my mom
Scotland: yup
proudredneck1862: well u must be a necrofeliac
Scotland: yup
Scotland: and shes good too
proudredneck1862: ok well lets meet
proudredneck1862: then
Scotland: why? so i can laugh in your face and do they world a favor putting you behind bars?
Scotland: as much as i would love to....thats ok....theres a few peope that would like to see me live
Scotland: and im not ready to dissapoint them
proudredneck1862: alright ur a faggot and ur a discrace to southerners go north nigger lover
Scotland: lol....man how i would love to....as soon as i got out of here id set the whole fucking south on fire because of inbred morons like you
proudredneck1862: son let me tell u somthin in the very near future south carolina is suceeding from the union and then succession will ocuur now ur tellin me ull fight for the billy yanks instead of ur own dixie land
Scotland: i aint fighten period....im running and hiding in canada where people are not as fucking stupid as they are here....yeah i wanna fight and die for idiots like you...get a fucking clue...go fuck your sister and leave me alone
what the fuck is with these racists pieces of shit!?!