
Mar 31, 2006 22:34

So through this whole applying for college thing I have realized a lot of things.
1. Just because you take all these ap classes in high school and get good grades it doesnt mean squat. I mean yes it is a good catalyst to get them to look at your application.But it is defiantly not the deciding factor its just the luck of the draw. Agree with me or not but thats what I think it is.
2.Just because your art teacher won't help you with your portfolio doesnt mean you won't get into an awesome art school.
3.Your parents don't really care where you wind up in the end. As long as you're happy they are happy.They are proud of you no matter what.

So I went to RIT today and it was nice. For one it was just gorgeous outside and even though we got lost a couple times it was an ok day.My parents just bought me a Dell for my birthday but for what I am doing a Mac is where its at.And from talking to people I reached the consensus that a laptop is the way to go.Simply because if you need it right away sometimes its a hassle to go back to your room and work. Also the roooms are tiny a lot smaller then I had expected. I also realized that I still have some choices to make in terms of my majah. I can do straight graphic design, or straight pho to graphy, or I can do visual media which is a combo of the two but you don't get as much GD as you would if you were just in that program.They also have cool floors such as Art House, and Photo House. Art house has its own studio so you don't have to go to the academic section to work on a project. Photo House however, has its own darkroom which is pretty sweet you can print out your own prints and such. I still want to know whether or not I got into UB or Carnegie Mellon and see how much financial aid I might have gotten. Even though this is so perfect close to Mike, close to home so I can do laundry, Close to mom,pops, and Tina. AHHHHH they had the greatest art supplies call me a geek I don't care they were nice. The dining hall we ate in wasn't all that great but I was for warned about that. Also I was told not to get the 20 meal plan because its a waste of money noone ever gets that many meals. From the looks of it though if all that food is that gross hopefully I wont gain the freshman 15. Plus they have a pretty sweet gym and once I have my ipod i should be set.

We had a crit in art and everyone seemed to like my piece. Which was a welcome change to what I am used to.I miss my pops he has been in Africa pour two weeks and thats an eternity.Oh yes yes I also got a job at Victoria's Secret. Crazy as it sounds I kindda wanted two jobs this summer. You could give me the argument that its my last summer but I would really like to save money to help my parents out. So that if I need to buy something I don't always have to call home so they can send me money. I will probably work three days at each place and then have a designated day off. So that I don't miss too much time with Michael and my family this summer. I got a Tiffany's bracelet for our one year but its taking forever ever to get here :(. I guess we are supposed to go to Kenya for two weeks soon I want to go but then again. I have been pretty deathly sick still am and I don't want to worry about catching up with that much work towards the end of the school year. My mom just thinks I don't want to go but that isn't it at all its just not the best timing is all if it were last year I would have jumped at the chance.

Keep your head up
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