Mar 06, 2014 15:21
I was pleasantly surprised yesterday to find out that I passed the exam for my latest course (RN Skills Review). I didn't feel very confident about it, but somehow managed an 83% (in this program, 76% or an average of 76% is needed to pass). I also went to a mandatory 5 day lab session which was actually pretty laid-back. It was nice to have someone to work with you on your skills, but without being graded.
The next course (Pharmacology) begins in April and I've heard that it's not as difficult as the Health Restoration course- so that's a relief.
Now I have a few weeks off from school and need to figure out what to do to keep myself occupied. I want to feel like I'm having a nice break- maybe pursue some things that are meaningful and enjoyable rather than just get caught up in the grind of parenting and doing housework. I think I'll have to clean up the clutter in the laundry room so that I can work on my stained glass projects. I'll get to that shortly; M. is becoming restless and distracting me. She doesn't take naps very often anymore, so my afternoon time to myself (if I take it) is often interrupted. My life often feels like a series of interruptions; with kids, it's hard to get stuff done without having to attend to them.