I made the mistake of watching a horror movie last night (Sinister) with S. who fell asleep for most of it. I didn't really know what I was getting into as I knew nothing of the movie. I actually fast-forwarded through parts of it because I couldn't handle the suspense. I found those parts scary, waiting for some loud noise or something to jump out at the main character. I was overall disturbed by the movie and couldn't stop thinking about it. This led to me practically begging S. to come sleep with me (we usually sleep in separate rooms). I wasn't always this sensitive to horror movies and graphic imagery- aside from when I was a kid. Ever since I had my manic episode I've had a hard time with it. Even watching Sons of Anarchy (my fave show) can be difficult at times when someone is brutally killed. I'm not sure why that is, but these scenes/images just stick in my head and I'm still creeped out tonight from watching Sinister- getting weirded out by reflections in the window, spooked by my own shadow, scared by noises in the house and even by M. being restless at bedtime. (M. also seems a little spooked, asking my to check behind her door and in her closet for...? Maybe she's picked up on my vibes?) I guess the movie did what it was supposed to do be scaring me, but it does seem kind of ridiculous and I hope I get over it soon!
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