I just wanted to let you know that I've finished my story, a whopping fortnight or so before the deadline!
Title: The Case of the Boomslang Skin
sinick. With sincere apologies to (and frequent Filch-ings from) Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.
Rating: PG-13.
Pairing: Well... There's Snape/Filch here, but only in the same sense that there's Holmes/Watson in Conan Doyle's stories.
Written for the second round of
scribbulus_ink's Classic Canon Challenge hosted on
hp_classic. Challenge accepted: Sherlock Holmes.
My heartfelt thanks to my betas:
sparrowhawk for an insightful and blindingly fast beta,
lethran for quick and supportive commentary, and
foomf for being interested in my written witterings.
I think I'd better explain what I've tried to do with this story. It's partially a story, and partially my weird way of proving a point.
It's struck me for a long time how very similar the characters of Holmes and Snape are.
So much so, that I thought it should be perfectly possible to re-tell an incident from the Potterverse in a coherent manner, in a story mostly made up of verbatim or minimally-edited quotes from various Holmes stories.
This is why I've posted an annotated version as well as a normal one: the annotated one highlights all the places where quotes occur, and links them to online texts of the Holmes stories. So, if you're a fellow Holmes fan, quite a lot of this is going to seem very familiar to you, and for good reason!
The Game's Afoot!