So I've been scripting Vigil, I have a full treatment done, and about an issue into the actual script. It's coming along very well, I'm kind of surprising myself. A lot of my friends have been helping as I go, eith feedback instantly. Russ nearly daily reads what I've got, Jake, Ane, Nicole, and Chris have all looked over drafts, and Chris, Alex, and Ginny helped me immensly in brainstorming the details of the series. So thanks.
I've also been morphing past short stories into comic books (Child Inventor, Wish Harvesters, ...Not Even If, possibly that Dick rip I did a while back if I can find it.)
Which, honestly, the stories play more to my strengths that way.
So I've been talking to Particle 9 Productions (
I sent them a treatment for Vigil and some sample script. They're gonna look at that one and get back to me (the rituals and violence may be a problem for the publisher, I'm not sure the book is the best for this publisher, but it's a good example of my work). They want me to work on a character they designed for a photoshoot, Somber, and to see treatments for the aforementioned short stories. They want a buffer of writing to give to artists when they get down time.
It's non-paying, but I get work experience, and my name in credits, as well as little to no deadlines or pressure.
I would retain complete creator rights, be allowed to work in other's stuff as a freelance, and if another company wanted one of my scripts before P9P makes it, I can send it the other way, no harm no foul.
So I have a no pressure long distance comic writing internship?