ahhh gossip girl! i haven't done one of these in forever but ahhh! this ep is about to be epic, i can tell(:
- oh, gossip girl. mine too. i love thanksgiving!
- aww, dorota's baby is soo cute!
- pretty table! i wish mine looked like that.
- where's serena? oh, that dumb bitch drugged and kidnapped her! that's where!
- Lily's mad! is it bad that i laughed at her?
- Ewww DV! aww Dan ♥
- oh my god! why? why? why? i hate themm! ew. dan/vanessa. ew.
- don't make promises you can't keep natie! i kinda feel bad for Nate's dad. He seems to be much less of a bitch then he was circa season one.
- divorce papers:/ how sad. but not unexpected.
- aww, blair's purse. aww dorota's baby. awwww chuck/blair with a Demi/Bruce reference.
- what the fuck?! can i say that? poor, S! what happened to you, baby?
- i don't think i've ever awwed so much. lol, how horrible. first comerical break and i'm up to my ears in awws
- Boys ♥ Dan is soo cute! gahh!
- Serena's in the hospital! oh, shit.
- Cute CB moment. i'm serious.
- Dan to the rescue! i can feel it, i can feel it.
- Let the guilt eat you up little J. Eat you up. (i love you but but no)
- you're right you screwed up!
- DB ♥
- "sounds a lot like the serena i use to know." ouch. :/
- drug OD! what the fuckk! whadd a dumb bitchh. i hate you juliette.
- this storyline of nate and his family kind of seems pointless at the moment. does anyone else agree?
- i love that Dan's there! awww. DS DS DS DS DS.
- "Let's ask Serena?" voice of reason baby! voice of reason!
- Why are they talking about her like she's not alive? what the fuckkk!
- And why the hell is this shit on the TV! WHAT THE FUCK!
- no! no! no! no! no!
- Dan's face! oh, white knight. i love him. ♥
- comerical break: wendy's new frys are amazing! ahah, just putting it out there.
- Serena looks so empty. :/ aww, poor baby.
- "Because i love you," -Eric is too sweet.
- Dan's still there. god, he's perfect!
- Why does everyone doubt her so much? it's sad to mee.
- Jenny knows what's up! lol, i love herr.
- oh my freaking god! yes, i hate juliette soo muchh
- "it's the only thing i'm sure of" ♥
- "pack your stuff!" -yes, yes,. yes!
- Vanessa is such an effing liar. ugh:/
- She's goneee! whadduppp btiches. DS! DS! DS!
- I feel like i've spent this whole ep. freaking the fuck out! ahaha,
- yes, pointless storyline. i kind of want to cut this shit already. forget you, natie. i still looove you, though.
- "are we really running away together?"
- fuck! fuck! fuck! no no no no! they were about to be, oh. why!
- ugh, lily. no. you're so ugh. shut up! you have no effing idea what you're talking about.
- oh, dan. i love you.
- i don't know how i feel about this. ugh, god.
- this is just not, no. ugh. i hate this! i hate this! i hate this!
- Serena's nails are pretty.
- are they gonna kiss now? are they? PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!
- "i wasn't wrong to belive in you, i always will." awww ♥
- YES!!!!!!!!!!
- that thanksgiving can't be saved rufus.
- wait, wheres the flashbacks? weren't they supposed to happen?
- whoa! blair's talking way toooo fast.
- aww, they are perfect! CB foreverrr.
- eminem!
- what the fuck, juliette?
- mush. mush. mush. i would like this if this wasn't happened this ep.
- i like that lily's taking some responcbilty for the mess called Serena.
- that sounds like the worse idea, Rufus. whaaa?
- the truth! the truth! the truth! awww, shit! jenny is loooovee..
- why? why? waaaa? it's your fault bitchhh! ugh, i hate you!
- is this supposed to make me happy? where's dan?
- aaaawww yeah! Team:: Dair
*over all this ep was okay. there wasn't nearly enough DS. but next ep looks super excting!
until then. xoxo