July Prompt Post

Jul 07, 2011 02:56

Heyo singustosleepers! This is our seventh prompt, running through the month of July. Posting will start July 25th and end on July 31st. Feel free to post any time between those dates.

In addition to your 'official' entry, we'll have a post at the end of the month where you can post any additional mixes that have been inspired by this prompt (i.e. if your main mix was about Sam Winchester, but you also made one about Blair Waldorf that fits the prompt) you can post it there so we can see more of your awesome work!

This month's mix prompt is crossover! We know a lot of people here have been waiting a while for this one :) Go crazy! Crossover can involve two or more established worlds, characters, etc., where they ~cross over~ somehow and mix! This prompt can cover many different situations (i.e. Elena Gilbert as a Supernatural monster-hunter, Eric Northman/Buffy Summers) so be creative, have fun, and make some great mixes! :)

This month's art prompt is primary colors. Please make sure your art includes this in some way, though the exact execution is up to you! If you want to make something that doesn't focus on this, you'll be able to post it to the additional mix post at the end of the month.

When you're ready to submit your entry, please use the following format:

For the subject line:

Fandom - Subject - Title

For the entry:


Remember, this isn't a challenge. There won't be voting or rules, we're just here to share the music!

If you have any questions, feel free to comment here or at the FAQ post. :)

month: july 2011, monthly prompt post

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