May 16, 2007 11:36
weird dream last night. the second half, at least i knew i was dreaming, for a very specific reason. anyway, first half first. well...each of the halves have halfs as it's realy in quarters i guess.
first bit was some camp or something and it was a large group of us, girls and boys, and we were playing some large game or something, and the director came up and was scolding the counsilors to do some other program that they were supposed to be doing, but it was very stupid of him b/c we were enjoying what we were doing and when the others had gone around the other side of the building, i stayed with two of my friends who agreed with me and argued with him about it, trying to be polite as i could, but he was being very irritating and just plain close-minded. he walked away while i was still fuming. When I walked away into the building, Dr. Mabry was there saying that I didn't support my argument at all. I tried to defend myself against her cause that asshole barely gave me a chance to speak and the bit that she said i didn't support at all he had brought up, not me. She told me to come to her office to help her with some stuff, so i did. it wasn't the one she really has, it was the one my dream made up, so it had a couch.
don't remember more of that, but the second quarter started about here. we were in the basement, probably of the building, and a bunch of people were putting on a play. i think it was a cover for something we were doing to foil the director's plans, cause he came halfway down the basement stairs at one point and i was at the bottom and yet, he didn't see me, he just grumbled and went back up.
i don't remember how this changed to a school gym, but it did. maybe i woke up and fell back asleep. but i was in a gym, that looked kinda like the one from middle school, but it wasn't my school. I know this prolly cause nearly everyone around me was asian and speaking an asian language. i looked into the gym and they were doing gymnastic stuff. i tried to go in, but a teacher closed the door on me. i hung around in the hallway with a bunch of girls talking an asian language i couldn't place and then this black girl came up and said "hi" to me and i said "hello" back and was surprised that she was speaking english and i asked where we were, if we were in china, cause i wasn't sure. and she looked at me funny and said, "No, we're in Japan" as if i didn't know (cause i didn't) but as if how could i not know where i was. I needed my purse out of the car and caleb was suddenly there and came with us and as we went outside to the parking lot i looked at all the licence plates on the cars and they were all PA plates, so this is where I knew i was only dreaming, and I said so. got my purse out of caleb's car and then was following the girl back into the school, but it was locked and the teacher who'd closed the gym door came and let us in. we went around a hallway and stairwell and then up through a ceiling into the next stairwell and onto the second floor. There was another girl, caucasian this time who was following us and someone told us that she was the one who had something-something bad. tried to kill us or have us killed or something and so we started running. running up the stairs, and then popping through the ceilings like before, but she kept being there at every turn, so we ran and we "flew" up and up and up, through the ceilings and i think i still knew i was dreaming so we went through a fair number of ceiling tiles before i knew where i wanted us to end up and what it would look like. i decided we would end up on the roof and that there would be a swimming pool on the roof. so there was and that's where we ended up.
However, there were alot of people up there. and then, Julie Miller, from Rockwood (who i haven't seen in, oh, prolly a good 5-6 years) came up and was evil! (irl she's not, we were good friends) She was pretending to be good and friendly, but she was turning blue and i was throughing soft ice bits at her and she was curling up, but her eyes went all blue-white and as she curled up, her body became poisonous and was killing and everything was going really bad and really scary and i didn't want to be in the dream anymore, so i kept saying "wake up, wake up!" and holding my head and shaking it and (in the dream) imagining that i was back in bed, but for some reason, the sheets in my head were brown (they're really blue), but i ended up managing to shake myself awake and realized then that i really was awake and in the room and i didn't have to go back to the dream. i daudled around for a good half hour before actually getting up, but even still.
so yea...that was my dream that i actually knew was a dream and could control some of it. i'm getting better.