[ This will be a blast from the past, she thinks -- last time had been uncomfortable and N had more or less dragged her to the Ferris Wheel. Which doesn't sound that bad at first, but then you realize that she had been stuck in an enclosed space with no chance of running away. Thank goodness all N did was babbling on for about ten minutes.
But hey, this time will certainly be better than the last now that Team Plasma was gone for good. They're here to have a good time and that's it. No foul intentions behind it.
She shows up about two or three minutes late, grinning and waving enthusiastically. She's wearing a pink shirt and for a change, knee-length shorts rather than the usual daisy dukes. ]
Unless we get distracted by everything else, yeah!
[ N's laughter is oddly contagious and she hums a song that had been rather popular on the radio a few years back ("I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was~") to the carnival music in the background as she follows N. ]
But hey, this time will certainly be better than the last now that Team Plasma was gone for good. They're here to have a good time and that's it. No foul intentions behind it.
She shows up about two or three minutes late, grinning and waving enthusiastically. She's wearing a pink shirt and for a change, knee-length shorts rather than the usual daisy dukes. ]
Hey! Are you ready to go in?
[ N just has a habit of being early. ]
Where would you like to go first?
The house of mirrors!
[ N started to wander to the right. There was only one way to find out. ]
[ N laughed and kept a look out for it, though he was easily distracted by all the other sights as well. ]
[ N's laughter is oddly contagious and she hums a song that had been rather popular on the radio a few years back ("I wanna be the very best, like no one ever was~") to the carnival music in the background as she follows N. ]
This place's bigger than the one in Nimbasa! ♪
[ There were some natives around, but apparently it wasn't the most happening place in town. ]
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