SINGMAS: event update!

Dec 19, 2011 13:03

I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus...Better stock up on chapstick, because all that mistletoe being given out in those decorating kits and being strung up in the streets? Isn't really mistletoe. While visually identical, it's actually a sentient fungiform lifeform. All this cold weather is triggering it's breeding cycle, and that'll be rubbing off on anyone who gets too close.

Characters within a few feet of the 'kisseltoe' will find themselves compelled to kiss the nearest person. If said person is also under the kisseltoe, you might be stuck there for a bit. The effects will wear off within five minutes or after retreating to a safe distance of at least five feet. As the mind-controlling effects are spread by spores, it's also suggested you hose yourself off ASAP if you want to avoid another round of makeouts.

The kisseltoe can affect both organic and inorganic lifeforms, so watch out!

!event, !mod post

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