12 Days of Singmas

Dec 12, 2011 17:18

Hypatia spends a lot of time studying the various races and cultures that come through the rift, and nothing quite interests her so much as big damn holidays. She has decided to try her hand at this whole 'Christmas' thing, and as such residents might be in for a bit of a surprise in the coming days.

dreaming of a white christmasAre you ready for a white Christmas? Courtesy of our own Victor Fries and an encouraging Hypatia, Residential Zones will wake up to a nice dusting of snow starting tomorrow morning. Temperatures will also be dropping to just below freezing, leaving it just nippy enough to break out your gloves and hats. Bet you didn’t think you’d have to shovel the walk on a space station, huh?

deck the hallsAll public areas in the Residential Zones are being given the holiday treatment, with service drones busting out the wreaths and lights. Decoration starter kits are also being left at doorsteps, and residents are strongly advised to get to work bringing the holiday spirit indoors.

saw mommy kissing santa clausWhat would Christmas be without a Santa? Hypatia can’t very well spread all this cheer herself, and so has constructed a helpful holiday automaton to do her bidding. Robot Santa is a friendly droid build to look and act like the stereotypical image of Santa: Big, round, dressed in red, laughs a lot, and has an unsettling habit of letting himself into other folks’ homes without warning. While he’s primarily a benevolent sort, he’s fully capable of defending himself should any character decide to take a swing at him. Residents may see him scampering around roof tops in the coming days, carrying a large sack on his back.

he sees you when you’re sleepingWhat good is a robot Santa if you don’t use him? And Hypatia is nothing if not observant. On Christmas morning characters will wake to find presents addressed to them under their Christmas tree. You don’t have a Christmas tree? Well you do now. Gifts will be up to muns to decide, but they should be creepily appropriate. Given how much time she's dedicated to surveillance, she has a pretty good idea of who should get what. This is also a chance for your character to receive small, personal items that may have come through the rift before/after them. Hypatia, with her all seeing security systems, can have located these within the Junkyard and ever so thoughtfully gift wrapped them.

If you would like your character to receive an item from their world, please run it by us here first--just like any special item request.

This seasonal event is bound to evolve further, so keep your eyes open for further announcements!

!event, !mod post

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