Age Up/Down/Turnways Event

Jul 10, 2011 00:02

On July 15th Spartan Black-One and Zaeed Massani slip into the teleporters with the intention of employing its closed doors for something other than safe and expedite transport. Ask your parents. In keeping with the tradition of couples causing damage outside of the radius of themselves, the teleporters are (yet again) thrown out of whack. The how is unimportant, and probably shouldn't be thought too deeply on. What is important is it kicks off a new event!

In a vein similar to the Species Swap Event; characters will enter the teleporters and somewhere between points A and B--things take a turn for the bizarre. Instead of growing horns or tails, they are physically aged up or down. You are suddenly as you were decade(s) ago--acne, poor hairstyle choices, and all. Or you are suddenly an adult! Entirely up to the player!

The event will officially end on July 22nd, but as usual backlogging is always acceptable.

• Participation is optional. Characters can still use the teleporters and it can be simple handwaved they were dealt a lucky hand and simply not effected.
• Age is entirely up to the player, as long as it's reasonable.
• If you choose to age down, you have the option of that characters temporarily forgetting everything (i.e. canon and game canon) and remembering only their head/canon from when they were whatever age you've set for them. This is temporary and their memories and age will return once the event is over.
• If you choose to age up, your character will be older but they will not suddenly gain new knowledge, abilities or canon. This is only because it would require creating massive amounts of canon that goes too far into AU territory and would be generally confusing.
• Your character may only change once over the course of the event.

Feel free to use this post to ask questions/leave comments.

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