and i’m pins and i’m needles

May 29, 2011 22:55

who; Raimi Matthews and very, very OPEN.
what; “Not all who wander are lost.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien
where; The Junkyard.
when; Sunday, after Porn Hour.
warning(s); All the cursing and Raimi’s usual offensive nature, I guess.

Pleased to meet you. )

raimi matthews, starfire, gem | (au)

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Forgive me I'm gonna be slow <3 survivethesiren June 1 2011, 00:48:06 UTC
Gem knew she wasn't going to run into Castor here. She knew the Program well--and he wouldn't be caught out here again if he didn't have to be. In fact, if he truly needed to come here again, he'd attempt to find someone else to go.

That meant Gem was safe for now, at least from him.

The Siren didn't particularly want to be out here either (dirty, disgusting, too much that could harm her), but she was bound and determined to find her umbrella. If other people got what they wished out here, she didn't see why she couldn't find something so simple.

While her shoes had been modified into boots, the rest of her outfit was normal--normal for her. Body tight thick white and gray material, keeping her sensitive circuit-laden skin protected from the elements.

Coming over a hill of junk, she raised an eyebrow as she saw the programmer before her--Raimi.

Looking down at him, the Siren placed her hands on her hips. "...Looking for something?"


no worries. the work week is probably going to slow me down, too fuckinghubble June 1 2011, 01:43:40 UTC
Raimi didn’t expect to run into that many people here. Junyards don’t exactly scream social hangout joints. Moreover, it wasn’t the type of place he expected to see Gem hanging around, either.


The helmet made it moderately difficult to turn his head when Gem addressed him. Eventually, he just took off the fucking thing, leaving him with a mess of ruffled hair (more so than usual). After all that hype he had set up for himself when coming here, he figured that it couldn’t be any worse than living in the BIOCOM staff housing. Now that was poison.

Speaking of which, he could seriously use a smoke right now.

“Maybe. Or maybe it just seemed like a perfect day for dumpster diving.”

Tucking the helmet under his armpit, Raimi pushed himself up from the ground and began to brush off the soil from his white suit. It was a lot baggier than what he was used to wearing these days.


woo! :3 survivethesiren June 3 2011, 01:24:00 UTC
Gem almost wished to ask about the suit; but she didn't. She hated to seem ignorant, and it appeared to be a simple thing she should have known about Users, and their sensitive systems.

"What are you looking for, then?" Trying her best not to seem unsure on her feet as she moved down the pile of junk towards him, she stumbled once or twice--but maintained her stoic countenance as best she could in the face of the mess.

Finally reaching his position, she brushed her fingers over her suit, trying to get some dust off. "...why do things have to arrive here."


fuckinghubble June 3 2011, 02:18:01 UTC
After the incidental sunburn, Raimi didn’t exactly expect to see Gem wandering around in a place like this without any kind of protection, either. He figured out by now that Programs must’ve had a different kind of immune system than his own, but to what extent he didn’t know. And, if the aforementioned sunburn was any indicator, neither did they.

“Nothing in particular. Just my stuff.” Half lie and half truth. Raimi wasn’t going to complain if he could find the smallest, most insignificant item - but he only owned so very little things that actually meant something to him.

Like a snapshot of a memory.

Not that he needed it.

“Your guess is as good as mine. So what brings you here?” Raimi had a pretty good idea that Gem wasn’t hanging around the Junkyard because of its appealing panorama.


survivethesiren June 5 2011, 04:19:51 UTC
In fact, Gem did have her sunscreen on, having learned the wonders of the creme. She was a fast learner, if nothing else.

"I am looking for an umbrella." Gem knew how silly it sounded, but it was hers and it was special. Something she had with her for cycles upon cycles--crafted uniquely for her, and not to be found elsewhere on the Grid.


fuckinghubble June 6 2011, 03:40:09 UTC
Had Raimi not been the one to suggest that Gem get an umbrella in the first place, he would have failed to see the logic in her rather strange pursuit. What he didn’t get, however, was why she had to go looking for one here.

“Okay, I get that. Why the Junkyard, though? The selection at the stores not genteel enough to your liking?” To be fair, Raimi wasn’t one to talk - he could very well find replacement clothes and such at anyplace that isn’t just miles of garbage.


survivethesiren June 8 2011, 01:36:51 UTC
Gem pursed her lips together for a moment, then shook her head, once. "No. I'm looking for my particular Umbrella--the one I had at home." It was impractical, see through. But he didn't know that, and frankly, she didn't care.

It was the one thing that was truly hers.


fuckinghubble June 8 2011, 03:16:01 UTC
“I see.” Unlike most people, Raimi wasn’t about to just ask why Gem couldn’t buy a new one at one of the stores. After all, he wasn’t much different. His personal effects was a part of him - defined him.

Or, at least, they used to. Now he’s not sure what defines him.

“What does it look like? If I see it, I’ll snag it for you next time we bump into each other like this.” Because Raimi knew that this wasn’t going to be his last trip to the Junkyard.


survivethesiren June 16 2011, 03:37:05 UTC
Unused to an offer without a seeming hidden agenda behind it, Gem paused before speaking, letting her processors catch up to her.

"It's...clear, and lights up at the center." She laughed lightly, looking down. "I suspect you'd notice it. It looks like something I would use."


fuckinghubble June 16 2011, 04:28:13 UTC
Sure, it wasn't like Raimi to willingly offer his assistance like that, but something had changed recently. And it wasn't just because of the stuff that had been in the water -- it's been going on for quite some time now.

Now was hardly the time to reflect on the meaning of self-discovery, though. Instead, Raimi resisted in the form of sarcasm.

"Like something you would use?" Raimi echoed with a hinting taunt in his tone. "That almost sounds racist. Or spiciest. Or programist. Whatever."


survivethesiren June 19 2011, 18:03:04 UTC
Gem quirked an eyebrow, a hand moving up to smooth an errant strand of hair from her bun. "Why would that be offensive? There are things I would use, and things I would not. I chose the Umbrella because it suited me, and my needs."

She took a step forward, tilting her head as she came closer to him. "And let us be honest, do you think I would ever choose to use anything that did not suit me?"


fuckinghubble June 22 2011, 00:18:02 UTC
"Touché. You got me there." Raimi wasn't about to argue with that logic, when there were plenty aspects of his own lifestyle that were most appropriate to him. He was pretty sure that was part of the joke, though.

His hand found its way to the strap of his duffle bag as Gem approached him. Sure, it was a matter of convenience, getting a close enough distance to carry an actual conversation with a person, but he did have his issues with... proximity.

Play it cool, maestro.


survivethesiren June 24 2011, 03:21:48 UTC
Gem could tell he was nervous as she moved closer. And while she liked Raimi, she couldn't deny that it felt good, just a little, to set someone on unease. All her existence she had been the one to watch her steps to play the game correctly. To have a tiny bit of power, however small, was still something to be savored. Even if it was with a friend.

"Something bothering you, Raimi?"


fuckinghubble June 24 2011, 03:36:27 UTC

Raimi wasn't willing to openly admit that, however -- he could never admit it to anyone. Self-deception had always been his last line of defense.

"Not really." He spoke through clenched jaws and a dry mouth.


survivethesiren June 26 2011, 02:05:12 UTC
Gem stopped, not stepping any closer. She might have wanted to, to press--but that wouldn't be right, or fair. She liked Raimi. Torturing him wasn't something she should do. That would be something Clu would do, or Castor.

Not her.

"Relax. I won't touch you."


fuckinghubble June 26 2011, 04:35:45 UTC
The kept-distance was appreciated. Even when it came to Sandra, Raimi preferred to keep people at arm's length, so-to-speak.

Even at this proximity, Raimi could still see and smell... that weird, artificial smell. Jabbing his senses. His instincts scheming against him.

He tried to laugh. It came out a little awkward. "Please. Like I'd be worried about something like that." We're still cool.


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