(no subject)

May 30, 2011 01:45

who ; John, Sam and Carter (later)
what ; srs talkings
where ; The "Playground"
when ; Shortly after this.
notes ; stupid amounts of angst and probably so much narrative!tl;dr

[Sam gave himself about six hours to sort his shit out before finally caving and going on a John hunt. He had to find out what John knew, if he knew. It just didn't sit right with him; this wasn't the sort of thing John would keep to himself. True, Sam hadn't exactly asked for details, but if he'd known-

...no, even if he'd known, he wouldn't- He's still convinced that there's a mistake somewhere. That someone had gotten their wires crossed, that maybe there was just one guy who'd screwed everything up. It wouldn't be a move approved by the top brass. Couldn't be. They'd never throw them to the wolves like that, not after what they'd all been told. Not when it was all any of them ever had.

Sam cuts that train of thought right there as he stalks through the brush, recalling the way to the playground. John wasn't in the base or the gym, so this was the next best bet. He could've pinged his CO, true, or he could've gone to find Carter first (who is a bit easier to track down) but- No. If he freaked out again, he wanted it to be in front of someone who knew him. He'd humiliated himself enough already, shaking in front of the Lieutenant like that. John would know what to do.]

master chief, masterchief, samuel-034

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