Normandy Base (Semi-Open)

May 20, 2011 14:40

who ; Anybody with access to the Normandy Haus.
what ; Species swap shenanigans.
where ; Normandy Crew (et all) base # 2.
when ; May 20-27
notes; Just an open log for the duration of the Species Swap event so we don't clutter up all the main comms. Also good for threads you want to do that don't merit a whole post. I.e. "Breakfast and wtf, why are you ( Read more... )

kaidan alenko, dug, noble six, kasumi goto, commander jane shepard | (au), thane krios

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pinodog May 21 2011, 02:07:10 UTC
After getting lost while trying to find a pony, Pino has finally made her way back to a place she actually recognizes. Yes! This is one of her Homes. With People! People who are also Friend-Owners. She bounds along on failtastic puppy legs up to the door and then starts scratching at it. When she doesn't get an instantaneous response she starts barking at the door, circling around and sniffing, and finally also piddling on the front step.


space_klepto May 21 2011, 02:09:54 UTC
Kasumi opened the door just in time to see Pino watering their perfectly dry front step. "Hey!" She shouted at the dog, resisting the urge to swat at it. She had some idea what was going on with all the...well...whatever it was turning people into things, and she wasn't about to actually hit someone she might know.

She just pointed a glove hand away from the steps. "Pee over there." She stated rather firmly. "...Also any chance you can talk?"

There was at least one talking dog on the station, right?


pinodog May 21 2011, 02:33:17 UTC
Pino flinches at the shout and tucks her tail between her legs, suddenly feeling incredibly awful and sad. Why is one of the People-Owner-Masters yelling at her? It makes her very sad! She whines and presses herself against the door, the picture of contrition.

But wait--now Person-Master is talking to her! That's exciting! Her tail gives a tentative wag.

"Pino is very sorry and Pino will try not to do this thing again! Pino has never had to pee before and it is a very strange thing, and so it is very confusing to do. But now that Pino knows where to pee, Pino will no longer make that mistake! Also hello! You smell nice and you are one of Pino's Person Masters! Hello!"


space_klepto May 21 2011, 02:48:43 UTC
Wait. The dog was the little robot girl? How did a little robot turn into a living dog...oh god, that wasn't a question she was remotely prepared to consider. "Good. Don't pee in the house, Shep would probably shoot at you instead of yell at you."

She stepped back, keeping the door open for the little animal. "So what's it like being a dog?"


pinodog May 21 2011, 03:08:07 UTC
"Pino will not pee in the house! No I will not. I will not do it because you have told me not to do so and I will listen to you because you are a Friend Master!"

She bounds on in, tail wagging. Yay! There are new smells and Friend Smells and it is like stuffing her face in a glorious bouquet of stuff.

"It is very nice being a dog! I am really liking being a dog! I can smell a lot of things and I like to pay and I do the weird thing that is called peeing which is new and strange but also pretty exciting and also I can smell a lot of things! And I have many Friend Master People now who I hope will pet me and give me food! Eating food is also a new thing and it is very nice and I like it very much!"


space_klepto May 21 2011, 05:35:54 UTC
Kasumi followed after the happy dog, a smile on her face. It was hard to resist that sort of boundless enthusiasm, after all. When she caught up she reached down to give her a scratch behind the ears.

"Food, huh? Got a favorite yet?"


pinodog May 21 2011, 13:34:14 UTC
Ear scritches. Oh my god. Pino practically falls against Kasumi's hand and looks up at her in absolute glee. What is this magic?

"Pino has not eaten very many things yet except for a piece of a thing that had meat and cheese and bread which was very tasty! And Pino also ate a strange crawly fly-ey buggy thing which was a strange bug. It was also taste and it had many legs which moved a lot and tickled! Pino would like to eat more things now. May I eat more things now?"


space_klepto May 23 2011, 05:10:50 UTC
Kasumi laughed at the way she reacted to the ear scritches and kept them up for a minute or so longer as the other talked. "Don't eat any more bugs, Pino." She stated, giving her a little pat on the head as she stood up. "Come on, we'll get you something great."

Into the kitchen they went, and after several moments, Kasumi was sliding a plate of bacon into the microwave.

"Trust me, you'll love this."


pinodog May 24 2011, 04:54:37 UTC
Noooo where did the scritches go? More scritches! She paws at Kasumi's boots.

"Bugs are fun to eat and sometimes they are tasty! And also they are fun to eat because they are wiggly and tickly!"

She trots after Kasumi, wondering where she's going and sniffing around the kitchen. So many food smells! Where is all the food? All Pino sees is a clean floor and high spaces where she can't see. The food must be somewhere! Pino starts investigating, trying to find it.

Kasumi is putting something in the microwave now and then...a new smell.




What is that magnificent smell? Has Pino gone to dog heaven?

"Oh! Oh what is that nice smell, it smells very nice and delicious and Pino would very much like to eat whatever is making that smell because it smells very good and where is it I would like to eat it now because it is a very good smell and also it smells like food so I would very much like to eat it, oh, where is it, where is it?


space_klepto May 25 2011, 15:24:46 UTC
Kasumi really didn't know what to say about the fact that bugs were apparently wiggly and tasty. She'd eaten a few in her life but they were never her favorite thing by far. More just something you try because you happen to be in a country that puts chocolate on them. It was probably a dog thing.

"It's called Bacon, Pino." She offered helpfully, watching the microwave until it dinged. They she took the plate out and offered a single strip to Pino, carefully.

No sense risking her gobbling up the whole plate in a second.


pinodog May 25 2011, 18:05:12 UTC
"Bacon! Bacon bacon bacon I would very much like to have the bacon right now please because it smells so very very good!!!" She's jumping up and down at Kasumi's feet at this point, and when Pino's new Best Friend offers a strip Pino jumps right up and snatches it. She probably actually nips some fingers in the process, but at least she has tiny puppy teeth.


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