Zone drop [Open]

May 20, 2011 15:30

who ; Station residents
what ; Unexpected detours and species swapping shenanigans
where ; Garden Zone 1
when ; May 20-27
Note; Characters do not have to be species swapped to participate. Feel like playing the straight man? Go for it. This post is open for any kind of threads. Feel free to slap [open] or [closed] at the top of new threads and ( Read more... )

davesprite, bro strider, azula | (au), dug, marian hawke | (au), virgil | (oc), conrit ceto | (oc), camille | (oc), angela, 7 | (au), karkat vantas, shockwave | (au), noble four | (au), fenris, agent washington and epsilon | (au), nepeta leijon

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[so open] ponynova May 21 2011, 17:13:31 UTC
Jin is not a happy camper. Not only is he not where he expected to be, he's also...small. Small and kind of hairy and rather pony-like.

He's just gonna sit in a corner of the Zone out of the way from everyone and cry for awhile until he gets over this.


notaneggbaby May 21 2011, 18:28:48 UTC
Something black and scaly trundles up to the orange horse that is sobbing its little heart out in the Garden Zone. You can run, you can hide, but you can't escape Conrit's curiosity. Or that niggling need to comfort a crying pony.

He approaches carefully, wings folded, head cocked. "Um. Excuse me. Are you okay?"


ponynova May 22 2011, 00:59:22 UTC
"Wah!" Jin tries to stumble backward and gets caught on his hooves. He goes down on his butt and stares at the creature standing before him.

"You''re a dragon! But...b-but you're different from the other one, you're black and...but...but how can dragons be black? Oh stars nothing's making sense anymore..." He sniffs hard, trying to stop sobbing. Pull yourself together, Jin. Ignore the fact that you're a pony and have a little scythe symbol on your butt.

"But, wait a second...that voice, I know you. You. You're Conrit?"


notaneggbaby May 22 2011, 01:04:21 UTC
"Mr. Jin?" Conrit isn't sure how to handle the little freak out Jin seems to be having about black dragons. "Don't worry, I'm not gonna eat you or anything."

He inches forward a little, worried. "I guess the te-le-porter made you a pony, huh? Don't cry, it'll be okay."


ponynova May 22 2011, 01:39:08 UTC
"But you're a dragon! I mean. Are you normally a dragon? Is. Is that what you are? Because..."

Oh stars he is so not prepared to deal with this right now.

"I. I think it must be. Teleporter, h-huh? W-Why is this happening?"


notaneggbaby May 22 2011, 06:20:08 UTC
"The te-le-porters are changing people into stuff, like ponies and dinosaurs. Um. Miss Rainbow Dash is usually a pony, but now you're a pony instead and she's human."

He's hoping Jin's just panicked enough that he'll move on from the whole "are you normally a dragon" question. Adults do that sometimes and then he doesn't have to lie.


ponynova May 22 2011, 22:19:14 UTC
"How...can that even be happening? What are the teleporters...oh stars, that's right, they'd have to have samples of our genetic code, wouldn't they? Oh no..."

He stamps his hoofs pitifully. "But...y-you being a dragon, that's..."


notaneggbaby May 22 2011, 22:44:08 UTC
"Genetic code? What's that?"

Conrit wags his tail a little. "It doesn't feel that weird. Um. Why is a black dragon so strange? Is it not an okay color?"


ponynova May 23 2011, 00:59:31 UTC
"It's--the stuff that makes you you. Not psychologically but like. Physically. It tells your body what to like...make you. Like to make you a cat or a dragon or a--pony." At the last word his ears droop and he looks like he might cry again, but he keeps himself under control.

"It's...I've just never seen a black dragon. Where...where I'm from dragons are...are brighter colors. I mean...I mean I guess th-this means that there are dragons out there who aren't...aren't like...well, like me. At least. Me, normally." His ears fold again. "I, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you or anything,'s, it's a good thing that you're a dragon and, and it's fine that you're black too. Just. I'm not used to d-different kinds of dragons."


notaneggbaby May 23 2011, 02:30:14 UTC
"So it says that your eyes are green and your sc-- skin is a certain color?" Conrit was completely unaware such things existed! But that does explain why his family all have those green eyes, and why cousin Aza looks different from him and his brother.

"You're a dragon?" Oh man, he can not sound more excited. "Really? You mean it?"


ponynova May 23 2011, 04:51:07 UTC
"Yeah, basically. That's kind of exactly how it works." He's a pony and he's discussing genetics with a small dragon. It's only now that Jin is struck by how funny this is. He can't help a sudden, half-hysterical chuckle.

", this is all really messed up, huh?"

He scrubs at his eyes with one surprisingly dexterous foreleg. "Yeah, I am. Um, you know, normally. I'm a star dragon. Sun dragon. We live inside stars and stuff. you really are a dragon too? Or, well. You're a kind of dragon?"


notaneggbaby May 26 2011, 00:59:31 UTC
Conrit is all over this. Holy crap. Hello Jin you are getting rubbed on by a very happy little hatchling. Your orange pony hide may as well be dragon catnip because he is on cloud nine hearing there's another dragon here.

"There's another dragon here! This is so neat! It's been hard to hide it, but I got told I had to hide it from the humans or they might hurt me and my family and all the other dragons, so I did. But it's harder here than it was in Nieve because everyone's so different and I kept thinking someone's gonna notice and I'm gonna get made into boots and... and... How do you live in stars, they're so far up in the sky!"


ponynova May 26 2011, 03:59:43 UTC
O-Oh wow holy crap there's a dragon rubbing all over him now.

"A-Ah, I, I'm glad you' happy! Man, I'm...yeah, this is pretty exciting! I mean, the only other dragon I saw was, was that one blue one that came in with that girl, but...I mean, a real sentient, talking's pretty amazing! But like...f-forgive me for asking but, you're not a star dragon?"

This is pretty exciting, but now Jin remembers to be nervous. There's a hatchling all up in his business, and even if he isn't a star dragon, he's still a dragon. A hatchling. The other sun dragons would kill him for this, probably literally.

"That's...that's too bad about the humans thing. B-But don't worry, no one's gonna make you into boots here, that's, that's just terrible! I won't let that happen. And, um, we live in stars''s kind of just what we do. We're just designed for it. And we can travel to other stars and to planets and stuff."


notaneggbaby May 28 2011, 03:25:14 UTC
"Uh uh. I don't think I've ever heard of star dragons before. I wanna see planets and stars and stuff, though! Oh oh oh, have you gone to the moon? And the sun?"

Conrit wags his tail happily. "I hatched in a cave. Did you hatch in a star?"


ponynova May 28 2011, 17:19:40 UTC
"Ah..." H-Hatchling. "Um, well, I haven't been to the Earth's moon, but I've been to other moons before, and...and I haven't really been to the Earth's sun either. Because of, uh, various things."

Oh stars this is so weird.

"But, um, yeah! We, star, or uh, sun dragons, yeah, we hatch inside stars."


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