May 14, 2011 00:59

who ; Isaac Clarke & Skyfire
where ; Skyfire's place
when ; NOW
warning(s) ; ...tripping balls

[ Isaac still barely knew Skyfire, but he was giving away free cake, so he couldn't really be all that bad. Isaac was woefully sort of fail at baking anything beyond pound cake -- he really thought he'd be better at this by now -- and so the thought of getting any baked goods without the painful kitchen experience was A+ in his book.

Isaac was pretty much running to get there before everything was gone, pausing on occasions to suck in a heaving breath and use his locator [BLEEPITY-BLOOP] to make sure he was on the right track. By the time he made it to the destination, he was extremely out of breath and he leaned over and gasped as he tried to catch his breath, but not until after he had knocked. ]

skyfire | (au), isaac clarke

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