Around the table. [Closed]

Sep 24, 2010 01:00

who ; All of the people Commander Shepard has recruited. (All Normandy Crew, Skyfire, and Wall-e, if he wants to roll in.)
what ; A live meeting to discuss the impending trip to the planet.
where ; Garrus's apartment Base.
when ; After Lev's Transmission.
warning(s) ; None so far.

OOC Note: If anyone involved in this post has a problem with any of Shepard's...commanding, please post an OOC tag to that effect straight to the entry and I'll edit it to be more friendly. You can also object IC, or send me a message.

"So people," Shepard continued and leaned forward, resting her weight against the table they'd all gathered around, haphazardly. Several were seated, several stood, and how they'd managed to get everyone in the same room, even she wasn't entirely certain. It was...cozy.

"That's where we stand."

Her omnitool pinged as the data was scattered throughout the group. Over closed, direct lines to people who had similar tech, a manual feed for those who didn't. They all had the conglomerated maps, amalgamations of all the recon they had done, and now they all had the photos she'd snapped, of various hostiles, of various locations. The omnitool had yet to decipher the stars she'd taken photos of, but it was working in silence, day and night. When it completed, if it completed, she'd forward the images.

"I don't trust this guy, Lev, but I trust the AI here even less.

"The transmitter is still working and we're receiving feedback, even if we can't catch signal," Shepard informed them evenly. "But I don't like to waste time, and sitting around here, watching military I don't know pour through this district, keeping tabs on some AI, hoping a cruiser will stop by and pick us up, is just that.

"Lev's not even close to a reliable source, but he's the best we've got. Whether he's bitter enough to turn Good Samaritan, or trying to play us, it doesn't matter." Shepard pushed off the table and let out a short, authoritative breath as she surveyed her crew and the temporary additions. "We need what he knows, and I intend to get it out of him, one way or another."

She pulled up the letter and scanned it.

"He's guaranteed we're going to be flanked, after a long truck in," Shepard confirmed to the group, "and there's no telling what the situation will be. But, as you all know, I don't do things halfway."

She looked back up. "I need two teams," she announced. "Garrus, Thane," she started and looked at the pair. "You two are running long cover. If there's high ground, I want you two on it and reporting out."

Garrus and Thane were more than equipped for close combat, but their talents were in distance work. They could both shoot a wing off a fly at a hundred meters and tell you which one they'd hit before it touched the ground.

"If there's no high ground to be had," she continued. Without any knowledge of the terrain, of the locale, she had to have a fall back. "I want each of you to a team. Keep it close and do what you need to.

"Mordin, Charlie," she said and turned her attention to the scientists. "I need to know everything about this hunk of rock, everything. I want to know everything about everyone who's ever set foot there. I want to know everything that's ever been done there. If there was a picnic last year, I want to know what kind of dressing they put on their salads.

"Legion, you and I are backing up the scientists," she added and motioned from herself to the mostly silent robot. This was the first she'd seen of him since arriving, and he'd been conspicuously silent, but nonthreatening in general. "Keep it tight, keep it clean."

Shepard folded her arms across her chest and scanned the room. "I don't intend for us to get separated, but what I intend and what actually happens are occasionally different. Garrus, Charlie, you two are officially with me. Thane, Legion, and Mordin will form team two.


dr. mordin solus, garrus vakarian, commander jane shepard | (au), legion, skyfire | (au), thane krios

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