Mar 28, 2011 20:36

who ; nobletwo & thom_293
what ; Just, hangin' out. Stitching some wounds. Blood everywhere. But mostly, hanging out.
where ; Spartan haus.
when ; After Thom decided to be a show off with his jet pack, that ass.
warning(s) ; does descriptions of wounds and blood count

She'd been told that after the Marker had been destroyed, she'd be back to normal, or however normal a Spartan manages to be. The same had been said all over Sacrosanct's systems; people were dead sure that the disposal of the Marker was the end of it. But, Kat was still getting nightmares and if she closed her eyes, she could see the symbols moving behind her eyelids.

There was no way she would have been able to pass a psych eval like this and if she said anything, she was sure she'd be removed from command again. Two weeks had been enough, though, and so she kept quiet.

Outwardly, she functions as normal-- the only sign would be the occasional scribble of symbols or words, when she wasn't paying close attention to what she was writing. Her work helps, definitely, and she's happy to be productive again, a tool stuck behind her ear while she was wrist deep in dismantling a charred piece of alien... something. She didn't know exactly what it was, and as she pulled pieces apart, she made notes and sketches, mapping out little functions and the internal workings.

It was in the middle of this she got Thom's message, and it wasn't an odd message, aside from the fact he hadn't been speaking to her as of recent. Her brows arch slightly, hesitating one moment, before she pushes her work to the side. She grabs a few tools, and then sets off for Thom's room, her bare feet barely making a sound as she heads down the hall, but when she gets to her door, the banging of her prosthesis against the door as she knocks was certainly louder.

"Noble Seven."

noble two, noble seven | thom 293

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