[mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids] ~open log~

Mar 24, 2011 21:06

who ; thom_293 and anyone who cares to run into him! \o/
what ; Thom is getting out of Spartanhaus to stretch his legs, explore the area and use his MAGICAL JETPACK to scope out sniper vantage points. He'll also be making a brief sojourn into the junkyard to search for supplies. Feel free to catch him anywhere your character might be that's still out in ( Read more... )

billy the kid, jiji, noble seven | thom 293

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how 'bout a real cowboy, spartan? yeehawbang March 25 2011, 04:28:06 UTC
Billy was sitting on a bench with a decent view of the local cityscape somewhere between the junkyard and the nearest residential zone. He hadn't moved far out of the area because when he'd first arrived he had been warned about so much crazy going on in the 7 and 8 zones, and quite frankly he still wasn't sure where any of that was. He could get the wearable device to record and send out messages for him easily enough but beyond that he was having trouble operating the dang thing.

In fact, that was what he was doing as he sat on the bench right now: messing with the device on his wrist and trying to get it to work. He still couldn't figure out how to get the pretty blue lady back up to give him more tutorials on how to operate the thing and he was beginning to grew frustrated. He muttered under his breath at it after every little adjustment he tried.

"...damn thing... can't get... how do...? ...what is that...? ...ugh ( ... )


all the cowboys forever! THEY WILL FORM A COALITION. thom_293 March 25 2011, 04:51:55 UTC
Sure, he was hard to miss, but the reverse was not quite true at the moment. Chalk it up to the events of the last few days, but Thom was sort of hyperaware of everyone in his vicinity, and bro, you're in that vicinity.


However, that hyperalert paranoia failed to take certain things into account. Certain things like cowboy hats.

For a moment, it was all he could do to just stare. He'd always wanted one of those.

So it was that particular level of scrutiny that caused him to catch the man's half-mumbled words. Never let it be said that super enhanced hearing wasn't good for something.

"Hey. Need a hand with that thing?" And there he goes, sauntering closer. He kept his hands visible, because he's no stranger to the fact that he's seven feet tall and the closest human equivalency to a tank that the world has to offer.


yessssssss. /approves of this yeehawbang March 25 2011, 07:14:20 UTC
Billy, being the over-friendly guy that he is, automatically began to agree before he'd even looked up. When he did, however, the words died on his lips as his mouth fell open. He took a pronounced swallow to clear his suddenly constricted throat.

This guy was taller than that dark knight from the medieval period! And he looked more dangerous somehow, too. Maybe it was in the way he moved, all smooth confidence that had way more grace to it than any knight he'd seen back at the castle. Somehow that made this guy appear more serious, more likely to get the job done right the first time around.

That being noted, Billy wasn't the type to back down from trouble, even if it was bigger than him. That was probably because most anything was bigger than him at his short stature of 5'9'' and he'd learned to cope with it with ways that tended to confound his brawnier antagonists.

On the plus side for Thom, the Kid was also an avid adventure reader and was simply fascinated by the knight-like armor even if it was menacing. His eyes darted over ( ... )


thom_293 March 25 2011, 08:08:48 UTC
Did that cowboy just dude him? Now Thom was really confused. By his attire, the stranger definitely looked the part of a cowboy, the clothing was just a little too well worn to be strictly for show. The word 'dude' had been around for the tail-end of the cowboy era, he supposed. Though it had more or less meant 'city-slicker ( ... )


/ohgod laughing so hard at Thom's reaction to being 'duded' |D yeehawbang March 25 2011, 11:47:03 UTC
"Billy the Kid," he proclaimed with a wider smile. He was testing the waters, gauging the giant's--Thom's--reaction to the name. He was surprised when his name hadn't been recognized last time.

He waved off the polite dilly-dallying with a hand and shrugged. Frankly, Kat would have probably only confused him further with her intricate knowledge. Without even knowing how good this other squad mate was with technology he knew that whatever Thom could tell him would be fine for his needs. He just needed to know what buttons to push for a few functions, not an entire lecture over programming code and operational specs.

"Got the recordin' part down fine. But I know this thing can do more, right? Just be helpful to know how to get it workin' on these other things. Ain't it got a map or something?"


rofl he's just like REALLY? *REALLY*? DUDE? WAT. thom_293 March 25 2011, 17:56:34 UTC
He started to say 'nice to meet you'. Thom was universally polite to civilians, and the fact that Carter wanted them all to integrate as well as possible wasn't exactly lost on him.

But than name was familiar. He just couldn't place how or where he knew it from. Pre-conscription? He didn't think a lot about his family, or what had happened to Jericho, but if he'd have heard the strange name anywhere it would have been there.

"... You're not famous or anything, are you?" he asked, keeping his voice casual. In the meantime, he pinged the man's wearable with the map attachment, and a set of hastily-assembled instructions on how to reach it for himself.


HE CAN BLAME THE WYLD STALLYNS FOR THAT. yeehawbang March 26 2011, 07:05:08 UTC
Billy grinned as wide as could be at the question and if that didn't make it clear to anyone within a fifty foot radius that the Kid was pleased then the tone in his voice when he answered most certainly would have. "Yeah, I might be in a history book or two." He then attempted to shrug casually as if it didn't matter but the gesture was totally lost behind the gleam in his eye.

He shifted his gaze to the wearable as the map popped up and he looked eagerly over it. "Whoa. This place is huge. This really all fits into, ah, one station?"

Naturally, he barely understood the concept of a 'space station' though the latter word held some meaning to him. But stations back in his day were hardly anything of this scale. The scope of this place was simply well beyond him.

He gazed up at the armored giant expectantly, friendly eyes wide and a slight upwards curl to his lips that seemed likely to never go away. This cowboy was certainly a happy fellow.


ISN'T THAT A POKEMONZ... thom_293 March 27 2011, 16:38:59 UTC
Thom matched that grin - hid, admittedly, behind his visor. He'd never been able to shake the emotive nature that most other Spartans eschewed. "Just two?"

Teasing aside, however, he had Questions to answer. "It's pretty big, but at least it's laid out in a pattern. Hard to get lost." He'd been on some stations that had spent so long being cobbled together and repaired from debris that they barely resembled anything functional, much less logical.


Billy made a face at the hit on his infamousy but it wasn't anything serious. After being picked on most his life he could handle a playful jibe or two, especially from a giant in heavy-looking armor. As long as the guy didn't actually try to bully him...

"You tell me, future-man."

He glanced down at the map again and this time noticed the obvious pattern. He'd never been to a big city before--infancy didn't count, man--so he was used to one-street towns that were barely more than prospective communities in the middle of nowhere. This place could fit all the states he'd traveled to--including Texas!--into it and still have room to spare! It was a crazy lot of space to him. But at least a pattern would help. And the map more so.

"I'll keep that in mind if this little do-hickey ever stops working. 'M likin' this map function already, man."


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