okay so funny story [closed]

Mar 24, 2011 20:48

who ; reunified & cousinisdeeeead
what ; Altman is apartment hunting. Alejandro is tagging along. ALL ALTMAN PUNCHING ALL THE TIME?
where ; Hawking (Residential Zone 02)
when ; nnnowish
warning(s) ; Language because Alejandro cusses like a 14-year-old boy, violence later.

[ Altman's lingering outside the transporter in zone 02, back to the wall of a nearby building, hands shoved deep in his pockets. From the way he keeps whipping his head around to look at every small noise and movement, it's rather obvious he's... really not comfortable being out in the open like this.

This is as much a search for somewhere to live as it is practice at walking around outside like a normal, sane human being. So far so good, although with the dark circles under his eyes and his twitchy body language he looks more strung-out than sane. Still, between the events prior to his arrival, and then the shit that went down with the Marker and the AI, he still feels somewhat justified in being paranoid. He just hopes that Borges guy shows up on time so he doesn't have to wait out on his own for longer than strictly necessary. ]

michael altman, alejandro borges

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