(no subject)

Sep 17, 2010 14:59

who; Saren Arterius, Commander Shepard, possibly other Normandy crew?
what; After not hearing from Mordin for a few days, Saren tracks him down... and runs into Shepard.
where; R01-Kurzweil.
when; Early evening
warning(s); Quite possibly violence, depending on what mood Shepard is in.

The nightmares wouldn't stop. Though Saren had been free of the influence of the Reapers for almost a week now, his mind hadn't even come close to forgetting what it felt like, to be a prisoner in in his own body. The unimaginable pain the Reapers had caused him for considering betrayal, all of the innocent lives he had taken... and worst of all, the feeling of doing anything and everything to please Sovereign. It was a fate worse than death, to him, and in the end, the only thing he could do to make it right was to take his own life. Now he was free. By some miracle, or perhaps by the work of whatever deity might have existed in the universe, his mind and body were his own, yet he would always be reminded of the time when he was the Reapers' avatar by the glowing lights underneath his skin. The tubes at the back of his neck could still be heard pumping nutrients and the Reapers' nanotechnology throughout his body. The only difference was that, finally, his body was his own again.

Hunting down Mordin wasn't that difficult. He still had all of the perks and advanced capabilities as he did while under the Reapers' control, including advanced eyesight, hearing ability, and cognition. He knew that Mordin would likely be with any other members of the Normandy crew. It wasn't difficult to put two and two together, knowing that Mordin was working with Shepard. Shepard was a natural leader... that much was apparent, even if she was a human. By following radio chatter, he had found out that they were operating out of R01, and their base was at the end of a one-way street. He would be dead as soon as he set foot on that street... it was a killing ground. His only hope of speaking with Mordin or Shepard was to wait until one of them was outside.

Saren had crept into the neighborhood, breaking into an empty house at the far end of the intersection by hacking the door with his omni-tool. As a former Spectre, he had been trained to hack through most encryption with little to no effort. His Reaper implants, however, made digital locks a joke. Sneaking inside the building he would use a temporary home, Saren locked the door behind him, and examined his surroundings. It was a run-down and neglected home, full of dust and the odd cobweb. Still, it habitable.

Utilizing his communicator, Saren sent a quick message to Shepard, using an anonymous signal: "go outside." It was written in text, with no voice or video feed. Hopefully, Shepard would comply.

, saren arterius, commander jane shepard | (au),

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