(no subject)

Mar 18, 2011 23:31

Who ; im_sorry_dave, kidfromthevault and YOU
What ; Psychological horror in Residential Zone 07 - Discovery Sector
When ; Backdated to before this, but after this.
Where ; Residential Zone 07 (Stross)
Warning(s) ; General creepy shit, crazy people, mutants. You know, the usual.

There is a new sector to SHODANville now, normal against the smears of GLaDOS' testing facilities, The Grid and SHODAN's own area. It's been controlled for quite some time, but the appearance is just now starting to change.

“Let’s make a few renovations...”

It starts as a monolith, a thick slab of black crystal seemingly appearing out of nowhere, almost acting as a centerpiece to the park. It’s not really made of crystal, just a solid light hologram but at the least it keeps the appearance.

At first it looks simple. As if that’s all the changes that are going to be made. Then with no warning, the sky is snuffed out.

At first there is nothing, just endless black dominating the false sky of his sector in Zone 07. There are no clouds, no stars or sun and the sheer emptiness seems to go on for miles and miles. And then the spots start coming in, bleeds of pale reds and browns consuming most of the black until the planets Saturn and Jupiter encompass most of the sky in their glory.

“Not to scale, but I can make due.”

And everything seems still, calm and almost eerily quiet. Even though the drones in the sector continue to move about, even though the machinery continues to whirl, it’s almost as if the sounds don’t exist. As if they flow into the air only to be petrified and rendered mute.

And then the white out starts oozing in.

It crawls out from the edges of the park, winding its way through the sector until every single inch, nook and cranny is overtaken by white. It’s almost the exact opposite of The Grid in every which way, and the contrast that the newly christened Discovery Sector makes against the sky is so sharp that there almost looks like there is no blending of color between the two. As if someone simply pressed a ruler against the horizon and carefully drew the line between sky and sector.

“How… pleasant.”

hal 9000, lone wanderer | (au)

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